A trip to Justin's house

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Anthony POV

Justin, That fucking bastard. He did not only steal my consignment but also ruined our night, my most anticipated night after an elongated and considerably wretched amount of time, which I hoped to make the best memorable one for her, for us but this fucking idiot had gone too far this time. I don't know if he did it exclusively to ruin our night after he saw me having a good time or he has been planning it for a long time now. How the hell did he managed to steal a truck and make it vanish overnight.

Frey is already burning in fumes. Now even I want to take that gun and shoot this bastard between his eyes, for ruining our date night with my girl. Frey is interrogating security personnel who were on duty at the time of the trucks missing. Usually, I would feel pity for those people for fucking up so bad and end up at the other side of the table in a room with enraging Frey but I find myself more related to Frey rather than being reasonable.

"How the hell is it possible that you have no fucking idea your truck which you were supposed to have delivered us by now got missing under your watch". Frey barked on the senior manager of the supposed transport company whose face was drained out of color.

"We are tracking the signal cameras and public cameras on the way it was supposed to travel. We have also requested the help of the police; they are monitoring the possible route it must have taken if somebody stole it" the manager told Frey. Voice cracking.

"We are wasting time Frey. We know who did this, I think we should call him". I suggested despite knowing it would end in pathetical defeat.

"And say what? Beg him to give back our stuff?" he retorted.

"Absolutely not. But barking on them benefit us nothing, you know that. Maybe he wants us to beg him, maybe that's why he had gone this far to attempt something foolish like this. And who knows if we somehow get him to come clean, then we might get our stuff back also get him to convict at the same time?" I directed my focus entirely on him. "Maybe it would benefit us after all if we act a bit wiser and less furious". I rose from where I had perched and waited for his blow. Frey is usually furious and when it comes to Justin it gets even worse and this time Justin went far more than just fuel his anger.

"Call" was only the response he gave me gritting his teeth.

"I think we should do this somewhere private" I supposed and rest of the people in the room sighed in relief before leaving both of us alone in the room.

"And Mr. Callahan" I called the manager who seemed to take a breath after long due because his face has gained a little color than before. "I expect a valid answer how this has happened and I don't want you to relax just yet. Do whatever it takes and find the truck" I took my seat as a signal of dismissal. He just said "Yes, sir. We'll do our best" and left.

This is bullshit. Outrageous but I dont think I have much of a choice anyhow, in order to confine the matter from escalating into much worse, before I run out of the generous patience for the bastard, I should do this. I told this myself for a good number of times before I willingly called Justin.

"Hello my old dear friend. Never have I ever expected in a lifetime I would get a call from you. Do you miss me already? We have just met a few hours earlier. What's the matter do you need suggestions to make your pretty girl happy all night" Justin drawled. Nothing better I'd expected from a filthy dog like Justin.

"I dont think you have anything better to suggest me. But I think you have something that belongs to us. I mean something you stole which was supposed to belong to us".

"Steal? Why would I steal anything from you? It's not like you have anything better than me but I think your girlfriend seems something of valuable "

"Shut the trash talk Justin, where is it?"

"Where what?"

"The truck which was carrying Our consignment"

"And why do you think I stole it"

"Who would do something so stupid. I can only remember of one person who is capable of such sick plotting, you"

Justin laughed a bit dramatically before he said "I think you should watch your words and tone if youre begging someone"

"Am I now"

"Aren't you?"

I debated if I just end the call and take that gun and finish this madness once and for all but I have come so far and Justin is a pathetic sick dog.

"What do you want Justin" I decided its time to button down because there's no use in beating around the bush with someone like Justin since I sense that's exactly what he's expecting us to do.

"I want to have this talk side by side, more civil at my place if we are going to talk business. I'd like it to be professional."

"I wouldn't suppose stealing and blackmail a professional behavior"

"You left me no choice dear Anthony. And yeah, bring your Red-hot bro-cousin Frey too"

That..... Was that. Asshole.

We were at Justins house after an hour. For someone who likes to gloat and show-off his house was simple but modernized with tech. couldn't tell it was to protect himself or just because he is into tech but the house was comfortable and welcoming though.

The asshole made us wait a sufferable thirty minutes in his private in-house office.

"I was beginning to assume you wouldn't come at all Justin" drawled standing at the entrance of the room as greeting. "I was wrong."

"Isn't it your one of the great qualities" I countered as my greeting.

Justin just snorted and gave me a side glance before reaching for the bar cabin.

"I miss these rants you know. We had best time in college" he continued as he opened what seemed like an old scotch.

"Pity, I can't say the same" I said coolly and slid my glance toward Frey who was sitting just gritting and grinding his teeth.

He offered one for each of us before taking his seat at the other side of the table. Frey gave him a look which could cleave Justins heart in two if it were a spear. Justified the notion if looks could kill.

Frey cleared his throat and said with as much disdain "We are not here to reminisce past".

Justin took a sip of his drink and said with as much disinterest "No, we are not"

"Spill the beans already Justin" I replied matching his.

Justin's grin grew feral. It was complete crafty and annoying.

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