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Anthony's pov

I've decided to meet my parents today, so I've made arrangements to meet them for breakfast, I'm on my way to the mansion where they're dwelling at. I'm not willing to prolong this quandary nevermore and I'm adamant to my decision, Eve is in my life there is no second guessing about it, I hope they  countenance with it because there's not many options left for them.


"Hi mom, how you doing" I hugged my mom and gave a peck on her cheek
"I'm good Anthony, how are you" she received me with a pat on my back

"Good morning dad" I acknowledged  him but got no response back from him, just as expected

Me and him have a love hate relationship, we used to be best buddies until I finished my college after that he insisted that I pursue my career in business,he expected me to often involve myself in the business but I had my own dreams which he strongly opposed.
Since then we grew apart we barely talked with eack other, which became a rivalry when I had to involve myself in his business unwillingly because at that point of time we lost a huge part of shares in our business and gradually slipping into the edge of economical abyss, every project and deal ended in chaos, my mom was extremely worried about him so we decided to step up and , I don't know if it was for our own good or worst, we succeeded we saved our company and it's reputation from ruins, that's when him and his brother, uncle Fredrik, Frey's father kind of trapped us into becoming the bosses of their businesses respectively.

We saved our businesses but failed in our dreams, at that time we got in our dream team, we were about to play our long awaited football game for which me and Frey worked our asses off to get a place in the team.

They saw the opportunity and grab hold of it, such a perfect business mans.

Although we continued to accept our new life but couldn't really accept our fathers.

There was an uncomfortable silence for few minutes, none of us said anything not even a sigh.
So I cleared my throat and confronted my dad
"You wanted to talk about something" facing him eye to eye
He took a glimpse of me then relaxed his back on the sofa.

"Yes, certainly, and I think you are well aware of what I wanted to talk about" he answered
"Then you'd already know what my answer is" I retorted back
That clearly annoyed him, he stood up from his place and paced towards the center of the room and spoke

"Anthony, you are not a teenager anymore who can wander around the streets and fall in love with a mediocre immature girl" he reverted his thoughts strongly

'mediocore?' 'immature?'
Does he have any IDEA what he's talking about? I don't know about him but that truly annoyed me, I furrowed my brows into a frown lifted my gaze onto him

"That's exactly my point dad, I'm not a teenager whom you can emotionally manipulate and trick me into your way of doing things" I strongly countered refering to the sick manipulation

"Anthony please calm down" my mom tried to contain the situation
But it's too late it's on and I'm not even  slightly interested to back off.

"What do you mean" he asked like he genuinely don't know, smart
I let out a sarcastic laugh and stared at him
"So you think you can play the same cards like once you played dad?  to trick me into take up your business empire?"
He didn't responded to that because he knew what I meant.

I had different goals before I took up these responsibilities of become the emperor of his business. I wanted to pursue my career in football, be an adventurer, tour every country on the globe but my dad emotionally convinced me into give up on my dreams and become someone like him. Infact Frey and me we both were tricked by our business magnetic dads to fuck up our careers and take up their businesses.

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