a second chance

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It's a very important day for me because we're delivering our project to Anthony and his company. Anthony's DAD will be there. I'm so nervous, I've done so many projects over the years but today I feel as much nervous as when I delivered my first project. The pressure is gigantic.
I'm confident on my work even proud of what I have done for particularly this project I've paid much attention to every minute detail.

I have this odd feeling that Anthony's dad, Mr.Alfred Amos is not happy for me being with Anthony. The first time I met him I could sense the resentment from a mile away so it's a great opportunity for me to present myself more professionally and I hope he'd see a skilled successful woman because I'm afraid that he'd think I'm with Anthony just for his status or riches. I could never let anyone presume me as a gold digger when in reality I've dedicated my whole life for my career.

Anthony drove me to his office, it's as important to him as it is for me, I guess he's nervous too but he's very good masking his emotions. Well I'm.. scared stiff.

He espied my overwrought emotions
"Everything will be fine, I'm sure they'll love your work" That tranquil smile of his brings me peace in a swift. The edge of my lips curved promptly.

The entrance was already filled with throng of people. Most of them are employers who work there. I pleaded Anthony to go first without me because if I was seen accompanied by him will surely turn judgemental heads with curiosity and I don't want people to perceive an impression of me  something other than my hardwork and dedication towards my passion.
Ofcourse my angel understood me and appreciated my compassion. He kissed me on the forehead before getting out of the car. Squeezed my palm and disappeared in to the out.

I asked the driver to pull forward so that no one notices I was there in the car with him.
I squeezed through cluttered multitude of employees and made my way to my team. In a matter of minutes Anthony and some of the members of the board including Frey made an entourage. Anthony's dad was also present at the front of the mens in professional suits. The floor went complete silent in two shakes of a lamb's tail.

Mr.Brown ushered to greet them and had a tiny conversation before he lead them to show around the building.
I could literally feel my heart beat out of my chest. My silk shirt dancing to the beat of my heartbeat on my breasts.
"Eva" my head snapped in the direction of the call. My back stiffened straight up. It was Mr.Brown. I headed towards them with a nervous smile.
"Gentlemen Ms.Eva will give you a nickel tour incase if you have any queries " everyone turned to me like they were expecting I'd say something.
All I could manage to say was
"Good morning" a brief silence followed and they realised my notes are empty. They went on to look around. I exhaled a stuffy sigh after I made sure no one's looking at me.

"Why are you falling behind?" A sudden whisper ringed in my right ear. I snapped to see Anthony slithered through the gentlemen to accompany me.
"I'm so nervous" I whined like a pig
"Everything will be fine, you're doing great. By the way I'm already impressed when I saw the outer interior. I'm so proud of you" butterflies fluttered around my stomach passing the colours of their wings to my blush.
"You do?"
"Yes. Now stop hiding and show them the fiesty Ms.Scott-the interior designer of the building." He pushed me a tad bit in to the group of men who were inspecting the room.
I heard some of them discuss positively about some of the details. As I presented myself in between them they started to ask questions and praise my work. Gradually I gained my confidence and gave them a successful orientation.
I really needed that push. Thanks to Anthony. He'll get his gratitude later. You know what I mean.*wink*

The day went exceptionally great and we'd received plenty of appreciations, praises from board members, employees and Frey. Only thing bothered me a little was I had to maintain a distance from Anthony since his dad was also present. I'm going to hug him so tight when we'll be left alone.

The dad, however avoided every possibility of talking with me. It's obvious now. He hates me. Honestly I'm convinced he isn't going to like me anywhere near future.

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