A lovely morning

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Eves POV

"Aren't you going to work" I inquired after I found him in his casual outfit rather than the usual tempting and sexy tailored fit branded suits.

"No. we are going to have a meeting in here" he replied. He behaved casually calm as if yesterday wasn't less than any adventure. A mini rollercoaster of turns and twists. I hadn't asked what happened with Justin because he came home too late and I didn't want to wake him up too early. He seemed exhausted and peacefully asleep I couldn't bring myself to ruin it.

"We?" I raised a brow and stalked to where he was grooming his outfit in the mirror. He wore white trousers and dark blue button down linen shirt and light blue brazzers. The outfit is simple but it elevated his perfectly toned muscles at the right places and I resisted stripping down mine and leap on him. Elegancy and classy, that is what I would describe the man in front of me. I'm sure I was drooling when he spoke and bring me out of my dreamy world.

"Yes. Frey, Mel and some of our friends" he responded while I coiled my hands around him from behind.

"Mel is coming? Why didn't you tell me before" I retorted when he turned and grabbed me in to his hug pulling me underneath his arms.

"I apologize but it was last minute call that's why not all of them may not make it."

"Why this sudden friends meeting"

"Need to discuss few things regarding the missing truck and about Justin"

"You didn't find the truck yet" I sympathised to hear them still struggling with the matter.

"No" he grumbled. His answer was not elaborated but that roughness in that two syllables made it clear how bad it was.

"I don't understand. I know Justin use to be an old friend but now he's your business rivalry, you are supposed to have a business meeting at your office, aren't you?"

"We'll have that too but later. First, we need to find a solution to this "Justin" situation. I have some theories and ideas and pretty sure Frey has his own too. And I have an important proposal to make"


"Yes. I'm going to ask them to take part in our business as legal partners, which is some of theirs birth right too. I'm sure they won't agree. so today is going to be a hell of a day to begin with"

"Damn. Sounds like you are going to need a ton of luck today"

"Yeah." he flicked the tip of my nose. which was kind of irritating so I grunted my retort. "Why don't you grant me that my love" he tightened his hands around my waist and dragged a hand inside my green crepe shirt slowly reaching for my bra hook. I know how fast he could unhook it if his fingers reach it. I would love a little fun but I'm getting late for my early morning meeting with Mr. Brown. He had informed last night as a last-minute decision. The season of last minute business meetings it seems. I wasn't in my best conscious last night that I forgot to ask for any details or the reason for this urgent meeting.

The noises of car's tires screeching and gates opening started to fill in our ears. I jerked my head to the window and fiddled with his collar "But I don't think Mr. grumpy CEO enjoys waiting while we are having fun".

Frey barged in without knocking or any indication of his bold entourage. startling us and leaving us wondering what should be done to this guy. Instead asking for an apology, like a decent grown up man he says "Guys are you still in each other arms? Anthony, we have a meeting remember"

He was in his casuals too but terrifically fashionable. he wore loose blue trousers and collard black Polo T-shirt. class and rich radiating from him and reminded me the sunny afternoons of the summer.

Anthony huffed a naughty laugh and teased "We could invite him too. He needs a little luck these days "

I swatted on his shoulder surprised to even process what he just said. Frey just rose his brows in question and walked to the sofa.

"Whatever you are proposing I would like to know my privileges first." Frey took a seat in the large sofa in the middle of the room absolutely oblivious to what Anthony meant.

I went in to a mini coma contemplating about how he would react to something dreadful yet naughty comment. "We are thinking about having a little morning sex so that I could relax before I march into battle with you people" Anthony deliberately spilled.

"Anthony" I barked. My eyes wide and face already flushed, I honestly don't know what caused it more. The fact that he just mentioned us having sex or inviting him to it.

"Oh, I would very much love it. Forget the privileges I'm open for any terms and conditions" interestingly Frey drawled. No hint of regret or shy to be seen on his features. As if he is genuinely open for it.

I froze where I stood, too stunned to comment or just to exist in this situation right here. I actually feel stupid and thought I perhaps should find a hole and burry my head because I practically dug this hole for me. when those words came out of Freys mouth my brain worked its super power and started painting the picture of me between Anthony and Frey. Naked. On bed. Oh my fucking brain. I shut my brain, knocked the power supply down before it completes that dirty picture and plays it in front of my vision. I swear it would take a painfully long time to erase it once it appears in front of my sight.

"You both are so sick" I made a face of disgust and pulled out of Anthonys arms.

Mel entered the room before I pull myself out of it "Sounds like a pleasant morning, guys" Mel spoke as a way of greeting.

"It will be if she agrees" Frey replied her.

"Agree, for what?" she innocently asked while she came to hug me.

"Nothing " I barked. Again.

"Come on tell me. What is it?" I wished she never asked that.

"We want to have some fun" Frey smirked at Mel "In bed. The three of us"

Mel's jaw dropped to her lap and trained her attention to me. I don't know its just me or the rush of too many nerves working up my brain I swear I saw a shade of jealous in her eyes hearing Frey wanted to have sex with me. But it disappeared before I could assure what I saw. But she just said "Ooooh" and winked at me "Count me in"

"WHAT??" I practically screamed. "You all are sick" I pointed at each one of them and when I met my line of sight at Anthony, he was leaning on the wardrobe on one shoulder, smirking and coolly keeping a hand folded while placing a curled finger on his lips. Like he was actually considering it. His attention directed to me when I kept my point on him. So I stopped chicken out and straighten my back and shoulders. Gave a look of bravery and said to Frey "In your dreams Frey".

I put my handbag on and keys before leaving the room and slowly lurched to Anthony "By the way Mr. Anthony, I'll definitely invite Frey to my bed, alone, when you no more capable of making me scream and wear me down" I wore my sassy attitude and slay their fantasies. Anthonys smile grew wider and wicked. He caught me again in his grasp and whispered in my ear "Your sassy attitude only makes me so aroused right now love. I would love to fuck you right now and right here and remind you how much louder I can make you scream and how badly your limbs wobble in the morning" He scraped his teeth down the path to my nape before licking my sensitive spot. I lost the gravity of my existence and collapsed in his arms. Squeezed my legs tighter to stop the reaction developing there to the touch of his tongue dancing below my nape.

"Oh, I would love that. I'll be waiting" I whispered back.

"Guys we are still here" Mel complained keeping her concentration on her phone.

"Shh I'm enjoying it. please continue" Frey gestured at us smirking.

We both laughed and let go of each other. He gave me one last kiss and I returned it with one more passionately. I got out before for god sake if the rest of their supposed friends come and continue the same topic, I would die of shy right there.

"I wish you luck. All of you" I said as my departing and left the room.

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