failed attempts

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Even though the day went perfectly fine, Ignoring the glitches here and there. I couldn’t celebrate it as I should have. Because the whole point of exasperation was never about the success of the project instead my pivot aim was impressing the DAD. I’ve done hundreds of projects small and prestigious since the beginning of my career. I expected Mr. Amos’s appreciation, I expected this project would get me a chance to gain some sort of acceptance from him and I genuinely hoped it would. Bad luck. Now I’m blue screened. I don’t know how to impress him or will I ever be able to do that.
My comfort space gravitated me towards itself. I tried to diminish the sour taste of bitter defeat by immerse myself in my favourite hobby. Gardening.
It has been a long time that I spent time with my plants, in a way it was good I found time for them. If it was a matter of anything else I would have run to the man I found comfort in, my Angel, Anthony. But I don’t want to worry him any more than he already is. I know he noticed everything and might have grown a bad temper. If he sees the disenchantment that covered my face, I’ll be igniting a war between them and that’s the last thing I want right now.
“How are you my love" a soft touch of warm palms cupped my face from behind me.
I straight away knew in my gut it’s him. I turned to see the delightful smile of his.
"Good" I said nonchalantly. "You sure?" I see a brow arched in question.
I nodded in response. He came in front of me and took a seat on a small stool in corner. 
“Then why do I feel something else” He’s eyes spoke revealed he perfectly knows I wasn’t.
It’s useless to pretend anymore now. I just twisted my lips and stared at him.
“You need my help” I love how he lights up the room just with his presence without even trying.
I handed him a mini rake. “What am I supposed to do with this?” I burst out of laugh watching him struggling to find out holding an unfamiliar thing.
I instructed him how to use it and felt a little bad watching the heir of a business empire doing gardening. This man isn’t made for this. My heart skipped a beat or two whenever I caught a glimpse of his long fingers digging into the soil giving me flashbacks of the things those does to me. He rolled his sleeves up which gave perfect view of his strained veins. They popped to perfection like is it even possible? Or am I losing my mind? Maybe he is made for this. This man belongs in the field doing physical work not fully covered in luxurious suits and condemned in long conventional halls. I have to shake off this greed. I’m sure he observed me drooling. Embarrassing indeed.

"I got a call from Mel she said there is this party in some club and wants us to join" I tried to distracted my concentration from the delicious man before I pound on him and make out in the balcony itself.
"You wanna go" he asked me
"Ummm I don't know perhaps it'll help distract a bit" I wish he doesn’t ask me from what
"Okay let's go" he said and extended his hand to help me up

The club was filled with people mixed in the dark room blazed with purple and blue lights. I had to strain my pupils to see if there was somebody in front of me or its just a shadow of light. Anthony caught my waist and guided me through sea of people. If it wasn’t for him I would have definitely lost.

Anthony safely led me to the corner set up with round sofa and table full of all kind of drinks where Mel and her friends were partying.
“Eve, you made it” She pulled me to grab a hug and handed me a vodka glass. The party was happening. Everybody seems to enjoy it very much.
After sometime I felt a strange feeling like I was being watched, it was uncomfortable regardless of the fact that I was in a house full of people, there's this feeling like someone is watching me. I examined my surroundings if there's really someone who has eyes for me but couldn’t find any.
So I shook my head assuring myself that I'm fine and even if someone is trying to stalk me they'll be facing the wrath of Anthony so I brought back my concentration on the party and pushed myself to enjoy the night.
Despite the loud music and mixed varieties of drinks nothing seems to lift my spirit.
“you okay?” he grabbed my attention. Like always he knew I wasn’t feeling it.
"Come" he lift me by hand and led me outside.

"What happened" I narrowed my brows in confusion
"I'm not feeling it, Let's go somewhere, shall we go home?" He indefinitely lied

"No I don't want to go home yet"
"Where do you want to go then"
"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders. I feel empty I'm clueless what I want.
"Okay get in" he opened the car door for me, I hopped in without having an idea where we're headed.
I trust him and he knows me better than myself so I left the choice to him.

"Let's just have a trip around the city, is that okay my love" he asked me before steering the wheel around.
"That would be perfect" yes I think that's a great idea with the cold breeze and shady streets of New York is what I might need right now.

After driving around for a good amount of time while we lost ourselves in casual chat. I felt chill crept down my spine.
"Shall we pull up for a coffee" I asked him softly
"Sure my love" he took us to a pleasant coffee place where coffee is famous for.

The place was beautiful. it was calm and the interiors was minimal not too shabby yet nice touch of curated soft colours and abstract background. The lights were light golden and not too bright which gave it a grandeur look.

Anthony asked for a special reserved spot and they lead us to a private cabin which is designed for exclusive customers.

"I would like a cappuccino please" I asked the waiter politely
"Make that two" Anthony instructed him with a smile

He shifted to my side after the waiter went out. I hugged his arms and rested my head on his shoulder, he wrapped his hand around me pulling me to the closer proximity of his chest. I wrapped my hands around his waist and lift my head to look at him.

"Are you warm now?" He spoke so softly
I was surprised to know that he understood that I was feeling cold without saying a single word.
I nodded and a smile appeared on my lips.
" How do you always know what's going on inside my head even when I don't say a word" I asked him
"Because.... I love you" he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. That made the butterflies to flutter their wings vigorously once again. With having Anthony in my life, the butterflies made a permanent shelter in my stomach.
I have no words to compensate his love towards me so I scooched a little and ran my hand on his perfectly formed jaw and kissed his lips.
He returned my kiss with a passion one pulling me even closer.
"Let's go home" he spoke in his dark lusty tone against my lips
"Yeah" I could only respond that much within the time he left my lips

The kiss was so passionate that we forgot about the surroundings while went into a trance with the matching rhythm that our heartbeats played.

It's was only when we gave rest to our lips when we were taken aback by the knock that resonated in our ears by the waiter.

"Damn" he was greatly let down by the unexpected distraction caused by the waiter but remained polite as he was doing his job

I couldn't help but to blush at his reaction. I took the cup in my hands which was spreading its aroma all around our surroundings.
"Mmm smells perfect" I took a whiff of the hot cappuccino which was decorated with a cute heart shape on top of its lather.

I took a sip from it, the lather spread across my upper lip which I licked with the tip of my tongue, Anthony's gaze stayed still on me while I delightfully endured it.

"That was so sexy" his dark tone whenever he's in the mood for romantic action returned.

I tilted my head to take a look at him, he leaned on me and spoke in a lusty voice
"You are driving me crazy, do you know that?"
I lowered my head blushing.

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