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We went to her home, resting on her couch, she settled in my lap laying on her back I scooped her in my arms, she scooched a little to adjust herself in my lap. I couldn't stop adoring her, I kept smooching her, she lifted her head to see me, she was so cute

"What's wrong " she was smiling but her eyes shooted that question straight like she could sense that something's wrong with me.
"Nothing my love" I had to lie because I don't know how she'd react when she comes to the terms that I know about her past.
"No, there's definitely something is up with you" she turned to face me
"Is something bothering you or you want to ask me something? " She caressed my jaw with her long and soft finger tips.

I didn't say a word, I don't want to discuss about it with her, because for some reason she didn't tell me anything about it and I don't want to make her feel like she's being confronted. If she isn't comfortable to discuss or not trust me enough it's fine. I'll wait until she's ready to share her feelings with me.

I'll be that person whom she can trust, her peace, her everything if it takes a whole life in the process.
I was lost in my thoughts whe she called me to pull me out of my thoughts.

She yelled
"Yes yeah"
"Earth to Anthony"
"Sorry my love I was lost in something"

"What is it, don't you wanna tell me?" She looked worried

I stared into her eyes
" Just wondering how I got this lucky" I stole a kiss from her
She kissed me back
"Then tell me where are you so lost in" she asked again
"Why is that you don't have any friends, I mean we all need someone,just a single person atleast to rely on when we are not at our best"
She gave a kind smile on hearing my question and goes

"I got you"

My heart dropped to my core, she trusts me this much? I'm her that someone?

That clearly cheered up mood my face lit up
"There's my Anthony" she chuckled heartfully, I will savour this moment all my life.

I felt responsible for her, now the need to protect her from every known and unknown threats are on my shoulders and I'll proudly carry it no matter how much it weighs.
But I still asked her
"I'm humble but I'm asking before me my love"

"Hmmm..." She thought for a second then said

"Because it's best when we do not to put our peace in someone else's hands" my eyes searching for an explanation in her face.

"Don't understand?" I shook my head in agreement and She chuckled

"People can't be the same always, they expect,judge and hurt us. I don't think it's worth putting your peace at stake for someone's acceptance. Once you start prioritising someone more than yourself, you give your 100 percent to save that relationship may be more than that but it'll never be enough, you know when you sit and realize your whole life is not enough for someone to accept you,is the worst feeling ever" she sounded so deep and wise, like she leaned it the hard way, and yes she actually did.

"That's why I prefer to keep things that give me happiness and not judge me because of the way I am" she concluded with a smile.

"So you hate people!" I asked in return

"No Anthony I don't hate people, I just avoid the possibility of getting hurt by people, I put my peace before anything else, because I've learned the hardest way that being at peace is so important than being happy"

She was absolutely right, she's just twenty three years yet sounds like an ancient monk.
It's so painful to imagine that how much she suffered to become someone like this, she changed her whole life, the very nature of herself.

"And there are also some people like my parents and Mr.Brown and and Mrs.Hayden who stood by me like a backbone through my darkest days, they were the unspoken saviors, more like angels in my life, I have immense gratitude towards them and so grateful for what I got."

My perception towards her completely changed, I respect her as a person, what I feel for her is not just love it's beyond that, I value her as she is. She was indeed precious to me also now she became more important to me.

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