The unknown happiness

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Forever hers-4

I directed my team to directly come to the Tech & Science, Mr. Fedriks office so that we can complete this process as soon as possible.

We were given a temporary office room to interview employees, we were deeply involved in our work when I felt someone was standing behind me so I turned swiftly and crashed my head to a man's chest.

I raised my head a little bit to see the man's face rubbing my forehead with frustration.

"What the..."

"Oh I'm sorry Miss are you okay.." he said alarmed while holding me on my shoulders lightly.

He is handsome, he's face features are perfect like a hero from Disney's animated film, high defined curves like each and every part of his face was designed to perfection.

I was mesmerized for a second there felt myself dazzled I kept staring at his eyes...

When he interrupted me "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Who are you" I asked wondering if he's one of the employee here.

"I'm Anthony Amos" he introduced himself with cute smile on his face.

He almost threw me off guard.

"Wow" I murmured under my breath.


"Oh you don't have to introduce yourself to me I already had your introduction from someone else, someone best actually" he cut me off and said with a awesome smirk.

I stayed wondering who? Mr. Brown? Would someone call him the best? I was busy guessing who that best was and what they might have said about me? All those questions rushed voluntarily...

He recognised the confusion in my face and spoke

"Mr. Fedrik told me about you" he continued his smile.

Mr. CEO spoke about me? I was shocked

"Your kidding right.." I chuckled sarcastically

"No I'm not" he said

"By the way do you work here ? " I asked him with a little curiosity.

He smirked a little looking down

"Technically, yes, I do. Im the COO "

I'm shocked but I tried not to show that on my face "I'm sorry, nice to meet you" I put my hand forward to shake, he shook my hand but didn't leave it quickly even held on to it for few seconds

"It's nice meeting you Ms. Scott"

"So how's your work going" he asked turning to the room full of people by putting his hands in his pockets.

"So far so good" I answered

"Good, do you think you can complete this process in 2 days? Theres so many employees"

"Yes, mostly"

We both stayed there watching my team collaborating with the employees.

The next day we met another department employees and as usual we continued our work.

Suddenly yesterday's scene flashed in my mind a small smile came on my face, I turned to see if he's here but there was no one.

I was pruning my plants when I heard beep sound, I tilted my head to see my phone I got a message from an unknown number

"HI" it said

I glanced at it and ignored, continuing my pruning, gardening is my best time pass, after coming home every day I chill with my plants, pruning, watering, planting new saplings etc. And it's the best activity if you ask me. These plants give me more happiness and peace than anything else in this world. They are my world. If you see my house there is at least one plant in every corner, every table, I have more plants in my home than clothes. But it's true many girls likes to shop clothes, shoes and makeup etc but whenever I have time I go to a nursery.

I only go shopping when I'm upset or stressed. You know I found retail therapy is my kind of therapy. *wink*

My phone rang this time, the same unknown number

"Hello" I kind of shouted, irritated at the person who disturbed me while I'm doing my favourite activity.

"Hi Ms. Scott it's Anthony" said the voice

He was polite

I bit my tongue for almost shouting at him.

"Oh hello Mr. Amos is this your number? " I questioned


" I texted you but you didn't replied so I called you"

"Sorry didn't see your message" I lied

"Its fine, I called you to ask when your work will start, because you know we have to shift our employees to another branch"

"Actually I wanted to talk about the same thing so I asked Mr. Brown to get an appointment of Mr. Fedrik "

"you dont have to meet him, Im supervising the renovation work so you can ask me if you want to discuss anything"

"That's great so shall I come to your office tomorrow?" I enquired jumping a little on my toes

Seems like he sensed my relief that I dont have to go through the hassle to face Mr.CEO and smiled a little

"yeah sure, My assistant will inform you the time "

"sure, thanks" I ended the call

Ahhh such a relief, one thing is off of my plate

I continued pruning my plants more happily now.

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