The story

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"Okay start" she mumbled with her mouth stuffed with another spoonful.
"Let's go to your favourite spot" I swept her from the bed into my arms.
My love is not going to strain a muscle when I'm around and absolutely not when she's hurt, she broke her hand for God sake.

She broke her hand!

"That's a great idea, thank you baby" she brushed her lips on my jaw. I kissed her delicious lips. They tasted chocolate and icy.

I put her down on the lounger sofa, carefully, arranged a few cushions behind her back, when my concious satisfied that she's comfortable then I sank beside her.
I spread my hands on top of her back rest, she scooched closer to me resting her hand on my thigh.

"So you wanna do this" I tilted my head to her, reassuring so that she'd changed her mind from the sweet effect of the sugar she has already consumed.
"Yes" the eagerness and enthusiasm brightened her features.
"Okay I'll take you back to our glorious college days" an uncomprohensive smirk appeared unexpectedly.
"Glorious huh" she huffed " Great start"
I laughed "okay Justin Heath and we were friends when we were in college. He joined after 2 months of academic year had started so he had struggled to catch up and isolated from rest of the class because by that time everyone had their own friends group. We took him into our pack, me, Frey and some of our cousins, Mel. We became good friends in no time, especially Frey. I think Frey and Justin were almost same kind of persons with almost identical ideology also you know like they are both athletes, we were all infact but they're both hot tempered, go-get it at any cost, arrogant type. Justin spent more time with Frey than rest of us" she fed me a spoonful of icecream which tasted delicious.
Not a fan of desserts but an evening of reminiscing younger days, having my love by the side, starry night and cool breeze with a view, I'd be an idiot if I'd fail to enjoy this moment. A chill air swept across our shoulders, a line of bristling of hair  arouse at the nape with the coldness in the air matched the chill of the icy dairy sliding down my throat.

"Until..." She guessed.
"Until one day Justin ignored us all day, even Frey. We confronted him in a house party that day after college. He acted weird, said we weren't supposed to be friends our families are business enemies blah blah blah" another spoonful.
"Is Justin a girl?" Her left brow arched
I chuckled " no "
" Were you guys 12 " I rolled my head back on the headrest trying to contain my laugh.
"No my love"
"Then what the hell was that? We can't be friends our families won't agree" she acted out pratfall comedy of a teen girl trying to break up.
I laughed loud. This girl is something   

" God knows Whatever happened before that day totally fucked up his brain"
"After that he made his own pack with everyone who's against us. He made it his life's mission to pull us down and insult all the time. He never succeeded though. We didn't give a damn and that pissed him alot. Him and his team lost couple of matches against us, bets. Which even fueled his hatred towards us"
Another spoonful.

A pause occurred when I remembered the next part of the story. My mental image transported to the vivid memory that's still housed it's presence in my memory lane.
"That's it?" she confused. Her words snapped me back to the balcony.
"No that's when the real rivalry started" I stiffened my back.
"What do you mean"
" Justin had a girlfriend, Ravenna Jones" a clear effigy of Ravenna, a brunette with brown eyes and curls smiled from the back of my brain.
" They broke up after a few months of dating. No one knew what happened, atleast we didn't and we couldn't care less about Justin's love life.. The thing was Frey had a crush on Justin's little sister, Sara. Sara Heath. After Justin, friend turned enemy, he made sure Sara never spared a glance at Frey. Whatever god damn poison he crammed her brain with. He knew Frey had a crush on her, she was fine before our fall out. She used to come to parties, Friday nights with us whenever their parents hadn't paying attention to their whereabouts, I guess a sparkle flickered between Frey and Sara in one of those moments " I rubbed my thumb on her supple cheekbone.

"That ignited a blast of a dormant volcano inside Frey and the devil was born. They'd never let a tiny opportunity to insult each other or unleash their wrath."
"To one of many scandals Frey did to piss of Justin, he started dating Ravenna" she stunned. The blood in her face drained down. her face pale and Her eyes widened with shock. The spoon stuck in her mouth dangling down between her lips

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