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Eves pov

"How is it" I asked Mel who was almost bored watching me try this dress for the hundredth time. I swirled back and caught her chewing nails without any expression. "Mel, you gotta help me here" exhaustion rippled through me.

"Well, I already told you a hundredth time Eva, it looks good on you but the fact that you keep asking the same question is the proof that YOU don't like it." She pointed a finger at me and shrugged and twisted her mouth to a side. I slumped beside her with pure disappointment and frustration. I regret my lack of interest on these kinds of things, for not showing interest on clothes and jewellery and all the feminine stuff, cursing my past self for not being a normal girl who loves all those things. Instead, I invested my time and money on the pretty plants. Idiot. Well, those plants kept me sane but that's not going to help me now.

"This is so stressful" I huffed an exhausted sigh.

"Listen to me, I know you had no interest in this kind of stuff but now you are at it, lets go for shopping and buy you some pretty dresses" she suggested and made a pretty face. Waiting for my answer. I think she's right, its high time that I start putting some interest on this stuff. Though, Anthony loves to take me to dinners, lunches, brunches and surprising concerts I should shop more. I know he doesn't mind me wear anything I feel comfortable but he has a standard and as his girlfriend accompanying him to parties and meetings, I should put some more effort not to embarrass him.

"I think you are right. I'm tired choosing between these lot. Lets go shopping" I stood up with such determination.

That bored face finally gleamed and she helped me get out of this dress.

After our confession a few days ago, I'd never insisted him to pursue my horny mood swings. Stopped throwing stupid tantrums. But now that my hand is out of the sling and the doctor certified I'm completely recovered, Anthony have planned a dinner date. And this is the first time we are going to a date after so long time, not that he didn't take me while I was injured, we went to plenty of dinners, parties and places but had to be cautious, no intimacy, but since I'm finally free of those cuffs, we both have plans, you know what I mean.

Going for shopping is one thing, shopping for a dress suitable for a romantic dinner is another thing, could be hard but I realized soon that shopping with Mel is nothing sort of a rollercoaster. I mean she's an artist and I'm an interior designer, in a way we both are creative and dreamy but she is such a brand of imagination. We've already visited a few designer stores and tried a hundred dresses still she couldn't agree on one dress. The colour of one dress was too shabby, design of collar was too high for another, too deep for another, too long, too bulky, too princess-y phew I had no idea it was so hard to pick a dress for a date.

She had spotted a boutique at the corner of a street while we were on the way to a café. After such an adventure I desperately need a coffee. We picked up our drinks and some muffins and went to that boutique. It was decent, classy and instantly received a token of appreciation from Mel. At last.

She picked a few dresses from the display and pushed me into one of the empty trial rooms.

"Does it fit" she slurped her mocktail and almost shouted from waiting space.

"yes "I squeezed in my hands and thighs and checked myself in the mirror. "But it's too small" I complained.

"What do you mean, the size?" she shouted, again.

"No, the length" I replied. She barged in to the trial room and ran her eyes from top to bottom.

"No, its not" she so casually said. I gave her a wry look. "what" she threw a miserable one.

"Its too short. I cant even stand without crouching. It's going up if I stand straight and a lot of skin is showing." I said checking myself turning and twisting to have a good look from every angle.

"You do remember that you are going on a date right" she settled her fists on either side of her hips and caught my stare in the mirror. "And since you want to have a bombastic sex after the date, I suggest this is the length you should opt for" she said as she caught me by the shoulders.

"Shhh" I warned her with an angry snare and gestured there are other people around us. She only shrugged and continued her examination.

"I agree, but this is too small and I never wore something so.. sexy" I admitted for which she huffed a laugh and said "May be. But now the situation demands and now that you are in a committed relationship, I think you should get used to it"

I shook my head lazily watching my reflection in the mirror and the length of the dress. I guess she has a point. Anthony loves me, no matter how ugly I dress up but that doesnt mean I take it for granted. I should take some time and do things to surprise him every now and then. So, I let out a deep sigh and let her chose a dress for me regardless of the length and amount of the cleavage it showed.

I tried few more sexy and beautiful dresses but none of them impressed her enough. I genuinely liked some of them but she dismissed every one of them. I honestly began to wonder what she was really searching for in this particular dress and asked her the same.

She laughed and said "I am searching for a dress which sparks the arousal" she winked at me. I was surprised to even hear her say that. "I am your best friend and I want to you to have an extraordinary night after the date" she smirked and God that reminded me of Anthony.

"You are shameless" I said as I continued browsing.

"I don't know about you but I'm very excited for tonight" she squeaked. I turned towards her wondering.

"You do remember its Me that going to date, right?" I asked raising a brow and she shrugged a shoulder and twisted her mouth to a side "I know. But it blew my mind when you told me you guys haven't had " I threw a warning glare at the word she was going to use and she paused and whispered "sex all these months".

"It was..... an attempt but sure hell of a punishment" I replied and she clicked her tongue indicating her agreement.

At last, by the mercy of angels above, she selected one dress. Unlike the previous dresses she insisted on the length, this was a full-length dress of bright red and has a long cut starting from the left thigh and ran till the end of the dress. Deep neck line, tight at the waist and hugged every curve of my upper body. Full sleeves of net, see through material. Even deeper back than the front, the soft breeze coming from the air conditioner tickled the bear skin on my back. I shuddered at the unfamiliar experience. Glittering at the edge of the bottom in an illusion of starlight, the dress was shining in itself. Simple yet extraordinary. Decent yet sexy. My heart started beating so fast, I almost worried to look myself in the mirror having no idea if it was because the dress it self is a work of art or I loved it so much I was afraid it wouldn't suit me and I'd actually look horrible.

But I gathered enough courage and looked myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe it was my reflection in the mirror. The dress is so beautiful and I.. I looked stunning, bright and sexy. I couldn't tell it was my delusion that made me think it suited me since I was too scared to accept it didn't.

"How is it" Mel shouted from the outside. After a long pause and came no sound from me, she knocked again. I opened the door and she was stoned.

"wow" was the only sound she made and clenched her mouth, eyes wide and the gleam of the dress shining on her face.

"What do you think" I hesitated asking. praying she wouldn't dismiss this dress too, if she did, me and her are going to have a problem.

"Eva" a sharp gasp "Forget Anthony, let me take you to dinner" she said and started jumping. I laughed with her and we both squeaked and jumped and hugged. The store employee brought two champagne and we gulped it in one big chug.

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