Love lifes

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"so you didn't have any love stories" she side glanced me, her alluring charm switched with an unreadable one. Not anger but something else.
Almost gave me illusions of danger bells. Don't fall for it.

I glanced down at her face. Her eyes fixated on mine. Her peculiar stare unraveling the layers of emotions as if she was searching for a particular one.
An edge of my lip upend when I realised the inner meaning of her words and expression.

If I had any sweet heart love story when I was in college.

' Did you have a girlfriend Mr.Anthony? Who was she? Was she gorgeous than me?  How much you loved her? Was it serious? Did you kiss her? Have you two had sex....? ' and many more questions she wants to scream. instead kept her civilized conduct and laid a simple phrase.

"I don't think I wanna go there darling and I don't think it's healthy for our relationship to go there" for the sake of keeping her sanity as well as mine.

I'm not afraid that our relationship will be affected by anything, at all, whether it's potential or emotional, because I'm not going to let anything impact a slightest shift in whatever we feel for each other. Love. More than that.

She's my FOREVER and I'm FOREVER HER'S. We may grow to be 3 or 4 in the future but with or without the additions may or may not come, we are one. She is Me, I'm Her.

"So you did" her expression fell and her lips twisted.
An Unexplainable pride and euphoria bloomed in my chest at witnessing her suppress jealously over an non existent woman in my life.
My face lit up with a thousand wattage  delight. I squeezed in her close to my chest and claimed her lips in a passionate kiss. That's for the authority she claims on me and to let her know that I'm all her's. Only her's. All rights reserved for all eternity. It's for her will to treasure it or destroy it. She's the master of my soul, body and mind. I know One isn't supposed to surrender everything at someone's feet but my queen deserves every fucking inch of my existence.

"Are you trying to sugar coat me with your smooching Mr.Anthony?" She teased playfully.

"Certainly not! My love"
"Then I think I deserve some answers" she's determined to find the details of my past love life.
"Okay I'll spare you the details but you need to keep your expectations low" a fair caution seems safe.
We have had enough of exaggeration for one day.

"Fine, noted" she kept her voice low.

"Ahh uh.. this is suffocating " I threw my head back to release the exhaustion crawling at the back of my nape.

"I had one or two flicks during graduation, none of them were serious. But I had a girlfriend" I checked her face just to be sure if it's safe to tell the girl's name. A shade of her previous expression faded, already. So I left the name out.

"That was also not serious but it lasted almost  one and a half month" I finished it as short as I could. Elaborating it further is not a virtue.

"What was the longest period have you ever been in a relationship " she maintained a decent smile but there's lot going on behind it.

"A life time" my answer blew the brains out of her head. Her brows scrunched as deep they can reach. Her face flushed bright red. A bomb ticking to it's final countdown.

"With you" I clarified before the volcano boiling inside her erupt.
Her face softened immediately. Phew. What was I doing.

Eve's pov

"With you" he's words worked like a magical calming balm on my burning skin.
I almost had a stroke when he said 'a life time'. My jealous ass couldn't let neurones in my brain to work some sense into it.

How stupid I truly am. One : I realised I can't bear even an imagination of Anthony with another women.
Two : what was I thinking? When I've become this dumb. What if he asks me about my love life. I'm so not ready to share my experience with Ray with him. Not atleast without collapsing before being hit by a massive panic attack.

I know someday I'll have to lay it out to him. Why I chose to end up alone, why I am the way I am. Why I never had any love interests. He deserves to know but I don't know how he'll react to that so in order for me to share my past with him I need to prepare my head first, keep my anxiety checked. And wait for a right time.

A sensation of fear lurked it's way up to my spine at the thought of those words coming out of Anthony's mouth.

' Tell me about your love life Eve. Did you have a boyfriend?'

Shiver jolted my body from visuals facing him while answering that question.
Slamming away my fears Anthony stood up uncurling himself from the soft cushions and swept me from my ass.
"Let's get you to bed. We don't wanna let frost bite you out in here" he said gently. He's calming voice spread like a lullaby. I twine my left hand around his neck, rested my head on his heart.
Thump thump. He's steady heartbeat assured me I'm safe and sound in his embrace. My eyes shut slowly.

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