Date and gifts

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The time has come. He told me hell come and receive me at our home. Our home. I checked myself in the mirror for the millionth time yet this awkwardness that lingered in my nerves refused to dissipate. Mel has assured me for a thousand times I was looking not less than any goddess. But this dress, the confidence it gave me is massive yet the fact that I'm trying something new and this hot, going on a date like this, with him, for a romantic dinner and the obvious way the night is going to end is not settling quite with my anxiety and I cant help but wish I should revert into my usual choice of clothes and attire. What if he doesn't like it? What if he says something like, I like you better in one of your usual attires or he just gets so disappointed that he cancels the date and worst, what if he leaves me here alone and retreats to find solace in somewhere or something. Fuck. I'm overthinking way too much, I know.

Mel stayed with me almost till the moment Anthony arrives because she understood that though I told her how much I loved this dress, she sensed I was having second thoughts and she wouldn't trust me enough with my anxiety that I'll anticipate until he comes and truly believed I'll rip off this dress and cancel the date myself and shut myself in the closet and eat an ice cream before he makes it home. And I'm thankful she stayed because I'm sure I would have done exactly that if it weren't for her. She kept me out of my thoughts making me dance and made sarcastic jokes on everyone from her family. Making sure I feel comfortable enough in this dress so that if Anthony asks me to dance, I wouldn't fall on heels and make fool out of myself. I wish I met her much earlier in my life so that I wouldn't have end up the same I did. Still happy I have such a nice, generous human as my friend. I should be thanking Anthony perhaps. Yes, I should. I'll make note of it and underline it and definitely convey my gratitude when the time comes.

I heard the rev of his car from distance and understood he arrived. I shoot to my heels and stumbled to the window. He honked twice to confirm it. He must have seen me peeking through the window. All of a sudden, my heart beat spiked and my hands started to shake. I turned to Mel who has already grabbed her things and waiting for me, "I think that's my cue to leave" she smiled.

"Mel I'm so nervous" I said as I neared her. Almost limping on my steps.

She grabbed me by the shoulders and held me hard enough so that I hold my ground. "Why? You look beautiful, gorgeous. You have been waiting for this night for God knows how many months" she flashed her teeth and tilted her head as in she was cursing God and continued "This is that night. This is that moment. So don't waste another moment and show him how lucky he is" she winked and let me go from her grip.

I have no words and was already nervous enough that my mouth went dry and mind blank. So, I just hugged her for good amount of time and when I let go of her, I said "Thank you." She raised a brow and said "That's what friends are for." With that she heads toward the garage where she had parked her car. I stared at the emptiness that filled after her receding and checked myself in the mirror for one final confirmation. The hair, makeup and the dress, everything looked perfect. I heard echoes of his footsteps getting close with each step. My heartbeat matched the sound and I counted them. One. Two. Three, four and the door flung open.

Anthony's POV

I headed for our room, with every step as much excitement and anticipation for the night waiting for us. The night that had been a dream, the night for which every ounce in my body and soul anticipated, the night that would release us from the spell which banished us to live every day feel like an eternity. I can finally touch her, touch her in the way I love to. Kiss her, indulge in the happiness of holding her. I could finally break those invisible cuffs I put on my hands, finally tear that invisible curtain I unwillingly drew between us. I knew how much it hurt her, how much I hurt her when I decided to not have any intimacy or any proximity that would compromise her safety, I could finally close that distance I was threatened to hold. Close but not close enough.

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