one bad morning

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Muffled sobs woke me up. I adjusted my eyes to the beam of light thats illuminating the side of her, I noticed she was awake and sitting at the side of her bed. It was still dark which revoked the thought that she might have had a nightmare. Again.

Eve, what happened I stumbled out of the sheets and jumped to her feet. I knelt down before her thats when I realized her eyes filled with moisture. She was crying.

What happened? Did you have a nightmare again? I couldnt bear what appeared in front of me, tears, reddened not just her round eyes also the tip of her nose glowing in orange shade. How long she has been crying? And I was asleep having no idea. Asshole.

No she quickly wiped her nose and fluttered those long dark lashes in hope of retrieving back those tears that already made their way to their destination.

Why are you crying my love, another nightmare? Tell me please I begged her to reveal what was hurting her which made her cry in the middle of the night.

Myhandits hurting a lot a streak of tears followed the sobs despite her strong attempts.

Hand. Yes, why not. Fucking idiot. I cursed myself for not holding a grip on my desperate desires. Even though she waved a green flag, I should have had controlled myself. This is all my fault. I swore I would never hurt her but now.

My jaw clenched with the pressure I forced while grinding my teeth, anger on my own self. How could I let this happen. Now shes the one suffering.

I should have been careful. Im sorry my love I opened the draw to find the painkillers.

No, it wasnt your fault hiccups interrupted her from completing that sentence. Which grinded my heart even more.

I gave her the pills I found. Wish they worked as fast. I filled the space beside her. Pulled her close to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder.

Im so sorry I repeated wiping her eyes. She looked me in the eye.

Please Anthony she searched my eyes for something that Im unaware of. Today was the best day since the accident. And tonight was best. Happiest. Dont take that from me by being sorry. I want to remember this day as one of the many happiest days Ive spent with you regardless of the pain poking her hand she conveyed her love. Only love. But those tears broke my heart.

I couldnt find words that could pull me out of this guilt. I hid away the anger boiling in my veins and kissed her head. She slowly tumbled to sleep. I tucked her in and spent the night watching her being at peace in the kingdom of solace that sleep could offer. Wish I could be that solace.


Good morning I found Anthony already ready for the work.

Good morning love. Hows the pain. Is it still hurting he neared me examining my hand on the way.

No, its fine. Not that much pain he shook his head like he doesnt trust me.

Have breakfast and freshen up. Well go to the doctor

Why? I hugged him. This comfort in his embrace works better than any medicine for me. But what surprised me was he didnt hug me back. I pulled back to face him. Theres something suspicious wandering on his face. I traced something I suspected I dont want to agree to. No. he cant do this to me.

I tip toed on my toes to kiss him. No response, he didnt stop me from kissing him but he didnt kiss me back either. A flicker of pain sliced in my chest. Is he doing what Im afraid of or is it just me hallucinating.

Anthony I tried to catch his attention. hmmm was the only response I got back. He just refuses to look me in the eyes.

Anthony I called again hoping he would look but he wont. I caught his face by the jaws and restrain him from escape a look in my eyes.

Wont you look at me? finally he looked. Oh, what a relief. Wont you take out your hands out of your pockets? he didnt. Wont you touch me? no response, again.

Dont tell me its because of last night hes face softened, something painful and anger circling those shiny eyes.

Its for your own good he spoke at last. But it still hurt.

What do you mean

That was my fault I shouldnt have hes fist tightened. Your safety is important more than anything

You are not going to touch me again, are you?

He cupped my face and caught my eyes for the first time of this rather unexpected and painful morning. I will. But not if it hurts you At least until you recover from this.

Anthony, I got pills for the pain I had last night but I got no pills for the pain this would cause me, you know that right it felt so heavy like something hard stuck in my throat. The corner of my eyes started to collect moisture blurring his face.

Just for the time being until your hand completely heals love he gripped my face closer. Pressed his forehead with mine.

Dont do this Please I begged.

Im sorry he said and kissed my forehead longer than the usual and turned back leaving the room, leaving me stranded with this horrible guilt.

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