and Anthony

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I opened the door and there he was. Leaning on the side bar of the door.

"I'm sorry to intrude love, I know you wanted to stay alone but... " he started. I literally pounced on him almost knocked him out of his stance and we would have been on the floor if he hadn't balanced his grip on the ground. I glued to him like a new born monkey clings to its mother. He didn't complain. He never complains. Whatever stupidest things I do, however awkward shit I say, he never objects. This, right here is my comfort place.

He laughed and hauled me on to his hips and carried me inside. I literally felt like the baby monkey I saw in an animal channel that was being carried by her mother. But it felt so good I didn't care if I was a clingy monkey or a lazy panda.

"I thought you'd make me return on my heels and reprimand me saying 'you are invading my privacy Mr. Anthony', or something like that" he purred in my ear. He's warm breath lulling my nerves.

I chuckled "I would have if I wasn't missing you too much".

"You missed me miss Scott" he said in a cocky tone.

"Perhaps too much" we both laughed.

"You should accept it" he said so casually as if we were talking about buying a dress or something.

He took one look at the sweet box and all the sugar in it and said "you are distressed"

I snapped my head up from where I was breathing his cologne in the curve of his nape. He inclined his head towards the teapoy covered with donuts. I followed his gaze. I pursed my lips "Yes". I admitted.

He gently sprawled on the sofa not letting me go. "You wanted to be alone and you were eating a ton of sugar. Who upset you" rage in his eyes all of a sudden.

"No one. But I need a suggestion from you"

"Go on" he just waited.

I explained everything. He didn't waste a second after I completed and anticipating his reply.

"You should accept it".

I gaped at him, clueless. He chuckled and said "I think you'd do so great in this new position. I'm not saying this because I love you or I'm just over estimating you. You have the CEO potential and you are dedicated and love your job so much that I can't find a reason to not agree with Mr. Brown. Apparently, this is what you have been working for, isn't it? this is your destiny, love. You were meant to be the boss".

"Now I genuinely feel you are over estimating me." I countered. He laughed.

"I don't. if you don't agree with me then you are underestimating yourself". He continued. He looked in to my eyes daring me to say he was bluffing. He genuinely thinks I was meant to be the boss.

"Don't you want to consider the essential attributes needed to make one the boss. The ability and eligibility for one to take up a responsibility like that" I spoke my mind. I'm not ashamed to show him my inferiority.

"I don't even know what that is. And honestly what eligibility and ability you think I had when my dad made me the COO. He practically guilt driven me into taking up these responsibilities. You do know that my dreams were different." I held his gaze anticipating any awkwardness because he held bare the truth of his life and he is not afraid or ashamed to admit it to me. perhaps for the same reason I held my truth to him. "If you ask me you are born for this. You have the leadership aspects and the kind of aura to lead a company."

I snorted "The aura"

"Yes. I love it when the sassy bossy Eva makes an entrance and you look so sexy when you hold the gun darling". He winked in emphasis.

"That is not what I expected you would say"

He raised a brow. I scoffed "I know you love me and trust my potential but you don't have to agree with everything I say. I mean this is not just a hobby or a.. a.. temporary thing. This would change everything. I will be a CEO. CEO Anthony."

"So what? You will be the best CEO. I'm sure of it."

I just rolled my eyes and took another donut.

"You don't trust I'm speaking the truth" he put a finger on my chin and turned my face to face him until we were looking straight in to each-other eyes.

"Do you think I would lie to you". another dare.

"No" I replied and I meant it.

He just smiled and licked the sugar off my lips.

"But. I still need more. Becoming a CEO and taking up new challenges is great but this is entirely a different prospect so I would need a suggestion from a CEO I guess."

He raised a brow. "Do you think I'm not one".

"You are COO. We both know why you slid the offer to Frey. So, it's better I'd just take the suggestion from him"

He's smile revealed he agrees with me, hates the fact but agrees.

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