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Eve's pov

Anthony please...don't..leave me..
No..he doesn't love you..loves me... Olivia don't run..stop..

"Eve.. Eve you are fine..." faintest muffled voice of Anthony bestir my conscious.
"I'm here I'm here" a promise of assurance brought me back to my senses.
"Olivia stop" panic filled screams engulfed my breaths. I opened my eyes and confused by dark omnious yet calm and familiar interiors enclosed me. It was different from where I was a few seconds ago. Sweat dripping all over my body despite the blasting cold nearly froze the room from the air conditioner. My heartbeat racing and breathing uneven.
I was in the middle of an unknown street when my daughter Olivia suddenly ran into a heavy traffic and there was a truck coming towards her. No matter how fast I ran I can't seem to reach her, she was only a few feet away and I felt like I've ran a mile but the distance between us remained same. I was scared she'll get hurt.

A soft tender touch of a hand squeezed my cheeks.
"I'm here. you are fine. You were just dreaming" my conscious returned to my existence after a long blurry moment. My brain processed what was going on in its own pace. I was in our room with Anthony beside me. It was just a dream. No a nightmare. Scarier than monsters and demons.

My breaths slowly coming down. I looked at Anthony. Half of his face glinting from the brightness of tall side lamp standing lazily in the corner.
Lines of worry creased his forehead. I blinked several times in order to level my spiking anxiety. Seeing Anthony calmed my nerves. I felt safe, atleast outside of my brain.
I hugged him tightly scared he'd leave if I let loose a single finger.

"You are fine my love" he ran his palm on my back in gentle strokes.
"It was a bad dream.. I..I I..." My brain forgot every single word I had learned since the day I spoke and couldn't frame a coherent phrase to explain what I'd dreamt of. It scared the breath out of my lungs.
"I know I know. Don't think about it. It's not real. Olivia is fine she'd probably sleeping peacefully hugging her doll." He's voice surreal and spread like butter on the skin of my face. Cooling down the temperature that'd burned the surface of my face to red.
I lifted my head in confusion how he'd know I was dreaming about Olivia? I was probably sleep talking.
He said nothing but continued to rub my head.

When I had recovered from Aftershock of my nightmare, Anthony helped me drink some water. That helped. My throat had dried up from restless panicked breaths.
I couldn't fall back asleep, I struggled to close my eyes because everytime they would shut I'd fell into lucid dreaming and woken up even more scared. I felt sorry for him, he deserves a decent night's sleep after a  rough and rather exaggerated day. He needs to brush off the tiredness of the day with a peaceful sleep.

Instead of getting irritated from having to wake up constantly  untimely intervals he got out of the bed and took me to the kitchen, he'd randomly talked about unrelated things. Fun facts. He checked the fridge and found some desserts from which I chose a raspberry cheesecake. Midnight snacks are best.
Then instead of taking me to the bedroom he had settled down on the mini bed sized cushy sofa in the living room and asked me to accompany him.

We'd talked about random topics from his childhood favourite toy, stuffed blue elephant toy, to the length of my hair.
I can't remember when we fell asleep and what was the last topic we were discussing but it was the best night.

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