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Yunjin's pov

"What about this house baby?" Mom asked me.

1 unintentionally let out a soft groan which made her look at me with confusion written all over her face. I breathe deeply, trying to calm myself so that I won't answer my mother disrespectfully.

"Mom. This is the fifth house, can we stop already? I'm tired. Let's just go back to the hotel." I answered.

"Aw. My cute little baby is tired eh?" Dad pat my head which ruined my hair slightly. I swiftly tap away his hand which made the both of them chuckle. They both knew that I don't want anyone touching my hair.

"Why can't we just go back to Usa?"

"Your grandpa assigned me to handle one of our restaurants here Yunjin. And besides, we can't keep on living at your grandfather's house." Dad explained.

"But why? Aren't we welcome there? Grandpa told me that we can stay there forever." I said.

"Yunjin. You need to learn how to live by not depending on your grandfather's wealth. We don't want you to grow up as a spoiled brat." Mom said.

"I want to stay with grandpa not just because by his wealth, I want to keep on living with him because I love him and he's my best friend. Busan is way too far from New York!"

My parents look at me proudly but at the same time, they were laughing at my tantrums. I sent them my dagger look but it doesn't affect them so I ended up laughing with them.

We promise you that we will visit your grandpa during holidays okay?" Mom said.

1 smiled widely and nodded my head vigorously.

"Now let's go inside and check that house. Hope that this would be the perfect house for us." Dad said as they enter the house together with the real estate agent which has been with us for the whole day. I bet he's tired too.

The houses here in this neighborhood seems to mostly look alike except for this house that Mom and Dad picked. The house was painted white which gave its minimalist and refreshing vibe. The garage is big that it can fit up to two cars at the same time.

1 scoffed as I was busy scanning the features of our soon to be home from the outside.

"Not depending on grandpa's wealth my ass. This house seems to be the most expensive one in this place." I muttered to myself.

I put my hands in my pocket and started to walk to the front door. can hear my parents talking and laughing with the real estate agent as I walked inside. I roamed around the house trying to familiarize every corner of it. I went upstairs and it has one big bedroom which I presume the master's bedroom and one small bedroom.

"I guess this would be my room" I said.

1 was about to enter the room when something grabbed my attention. There was an another staircase. I paused for a second thinking where this stairs would lead me.

"The balcony." I muttered.

1 went upstairs thinking that this would lead me towards the balcony that I saw a while ago when I was outside. As I got upstairs, I was surprised.

"Two doors? So there's another room here?"

1 opened the door on the left and viola! I was right.
There's another room. My jaw dropped as I entered the room, it was much bigger than the room at the second floor. I saw a button at the wall and out of curiosity, I pressed it. The center part of the ceiling suddenly move revealing the sky through the glass.

"Wow.." I said. I pressed again the button and the ceiling came back to what it was before.

I went to the other door, which leads me to the balcony that I was looking for. This was perfect for having a cup of coffee early in the morning or late at night having a cold beer, thinking how messed up you have been for the whole day.

1 was busy looking around the neighborhood when saw a girl at the other house which is located in front of where I am standing. She has a black wolfcut, a slim figure, a white porcelain skin and judging by the length of her legs, she's shorter me.

She was sitting at the balcony of their house, busy playing her black guitar. I can also presume that she is singing because of the movement of her mouth and I can hear some of her angelic voice since we've got a really quiet hood here.

I think that she sensed that I was staring at her because she suddenly stop strumming her guitar and looked at my direction which gave me a more clearer view of her face.

She looks like an angel.

She smiled at me and gave a wave and me, being an introvert, I just give her a small tight smile before rushing back inside. I went downstairs and I saw my parents still at the kitchen discussing some things with the agent.

"Oh dear. What can you say about the house?" Mom said as she noticed my presence.

"'I'm taking the room at the uppermost floor." I replied.

"Great. So we're going back at the hotel, and we will start moving tomorrow." Dad said.

"Finally. I'II be getting some sleep." I said which made them laugh.

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