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Kazuha's pov

I was on the kitchen when I heard somebody screaming.
Judging by the voice, I already knew who was it but I was still shock because this is my first time witnessing Yunjin having those nightmares. At first, I did not believe what Sakura said to me. Actually, she doesn't have any plans on telling it to me but I guess, her tongue slipped.

I quickly put down the glass of water that I'm holding and hurriedly went upstairs. There, I saw Chaewon standing at the front of Yunjin's room. She was a bit hesitant if she's going to enter the room or not. I guess Yunjin didn't have nightmares by the time we're on the tour because judging by Chaewon's reaction, she must still didn't know a thing.
But why is this happening now?

"I need Sakura!"

Hearing Yunjin shouted those words, I quickly run to the other side of the hallway where I and Sakura's room are. I knocked at her door non-stop until she open the door. I knew how a heavy sleeper this cat is.

"What?!" Sakura asked in a bedroom voice when she opened the door that makes my throat dry. Her hair was a bit messy and she's rubbing her half-opened eyes.

"I said what is it Nakamura Kazuha!" Sakura yelled which made me blinked a few times. I didn't notice that I was staring at her for seconds now.

1 cleared my throat and said, "I heard Yun screamed."
Sakura's eyes suddenly shot wide open in surprise. "I think she's having her nightmares." I added.

"What?! It's been a long time since Yun had those."
Sakura said while looking at the floor in disbelief. I glanced back at the direction where Yunjin's room is. I saw Chaewon was still standing there, not knowing what to do.

"I think you should go there. Chae must be confused right now. And I also heard Yun yelling that she needs you." I said.

1 was surprised by Sakura's next move. She pulled me for a quick hug and held my both shoulders. My eyes widened when I realized that our faces are just a few inch closer.

"Thank you for waking me up." She said before dashing her way towards the monkey, leaving me in a surprised

I took a deep breath and pull myself together. "Whoa. I need to get Chae."

Chaewon was still standing there, staring at Yunjin's door which is now already closed. I carefully held her shoulder, trying my best not to scare her. She darted her eyes on me and I saw how clueless she is.

"W-What's happening?" She asked. I smiled apologetically to her. I badly want to tell her what is the reason why Yunjin is having nightmares but I'm not on the right place to do that. And besides, I can't think how Chaewon will take it when she finally learned that the reason why for those are not other than, but her.

"Let's go downstairs. I'II make you a drink." I said. She nodded her head slightly in agreement. I held her hand and guided her downstairs.

Chaewon sat at the chair without saying a word, only the tapping of her fingers at the table are the sound that I can hear from her.

"Here, drink this." I gave her a cup of tea. Chaewon held the cup with both of her hands and lifted up to her

"What's this?" Chaewon said as she smell the soothing

"Chamomile tea. It helps you to relax your nerves. It also helps to reduce your stress." I explained.

"Whoa. How did you know about this?" Chaewon asked before taking her first sip. I saw how her face brighten when she finally got a taste of the tea that I made.

"Internet." I confidently said with a smirk.

1 heard Chaewon chuckled but it didn't last for long. "Do you..." She said, hesitating if she's going to continue what she was about to say or not. I just quietly stare at her, waiting patiently for Chaewon to continue talking.
Chaewon took a few more sips and a couple of deep breaths.

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