55. M

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After that wild scene with Chaewon, we decided to continue our original plan which was watching a movie.
Actually, my mind is still in daze after that mind blowing scene with Chaewon. I didn't expect that she can be that wild. But that type of Chaewon is starting to become my favorite.

"What are you thinking?" Chaewon asked.

She put the ice cream on the coffee table at the front of the couch where I was sitting. She went straight towards the kitchen after we went out from her bedroom. She's very concern about that choco mint ice cream of her.

My eyes automatically fixed on Chaewon's milky legs. She was wearing the shirt that I wore earlier which is obviously is very big for her. But Chaewon seems to be comfortable with it.

"What are you looking at?" Chaewon raised her eyebrow
at me.

I quickly picked the remote control beside me and diverted my gaze towards the television and pretend that I'm trying to find a good movie. I can feel myself blushing so hard right now. Well, you can't blame me. Kim Chaewon is just, irresistible.

"I'm looking at the TV." I said as an excuse even if I already knew that she's not going to buy it.

"I already caught you, Jen. There's no point in lying." Chaewon said and pushed my legs slightly so they can be apart from each other.

Chaewon took the blanket and wrapped it around herself before occupying the space between my legs. I am now facing her back and I can smell the scent of the strawberries. It must be from the shampoo that she's using.

My mind started to process some dirty thoughts, the mere perfume of her hair was enough to turn me on. I quickly diverted my attention away from her to calm my hormones down since I am already having a hard time of keeping my hands to myself.

Chaewon leaned her head backwards and rested it to my chest. She reached out for my hands which made my body tensed up.

"Cuddle with me." Chaewon said in a cute voice.

1 blinked for a few times when I heard her and suddenly a smile slowly crept upon my lips. I slowly wrapped my arms around her, enjoying her warmth.

"You're so clingy today." I said in a teasing manner.

"I feel cold." Chaewon answered.

"Is the blanket not enough?"

Chaewon forcefully removed my arms and said, "Yah! If you don't want to cuddle with me, fine."

Her answer made me laugh, Chaewon definitely has a temper. She was about to stand up but I quickly wrapped my arms around her again and hug her even tighter.

"Who said that I don't want to cuddle with you?" I mumbled and buried my face into her neck.

1 gave her neck a sweet little kisses which made Chaewon giggle. She keeps on hitting my arm and asking me to stop but instead of stopping, I tickled her side which made her laugh even louder.


Chaewon and I stopped on what we are doing and our attention focused to the direction where the voice came from. A giggle escaped from our throat when we saw how shock Kazuha and Sakura is. Their jaws dropped as they stare at us, full of surprise.

"What's happening here?" Sakura said, she was the first one to recover.

"Are you..." Kazuha said and pointed at us. Chaewon and I looked at each other and giggle.

"Hey Yunjin! What's going on?" Sakura asked, her eyebrows are now furrowed. "I just leave you guys for a bit. Don't tell me she's already you're girlfriend now?" She added.

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