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Yunjin's pov

"This is the last box Mom." I said as I put the box inside.

We are currently moving our things towards our new house, and the boxes that Mom asked me to carry was not a joke. It was so fucking heavy! I wonder if Mom pack some stones from Usa. Well, luckily I have been visiting the gym lately, that's why I was able to carry those heavy boxes inside.

"Thank you so much sweetie. Now, go and take a shower, we are going somewhere." Mom replied.

"Where are we going?" I asked confusedly.

"We are going to your school." Dad said as he walked on by.

"My school? I haven't enrolled yet." I said.

"That's the reason why we're going, dumbass." Dad said teasingly.

1 rolled my eyes which made him laugh.

"Thanks Dad." I said sarcastically before making my way towards my room. Did I mention that I have my own bathroom?

It took me thirty minutes to finish taking a bath which was fast enough for me. If my parents weren't in hurry, I'm pretty sure it will took me an hour.

I stare at my closet, scanning my clothes, thinking what I should wear today. I let out a deep sigh, and slumped myself against the bed.

"Damn. I don't know what to wear." I said while staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes not thinking that I would slowly drift towards the dreamland.

"Yunjin! Hurry up!"

My Mom's scream make me to go back in my senses. I quickly opened my eyes and walked towards the closet again. I just grabbed a cargo pants and a simple top. I was putting my shoes on when mom called me once again.

Aish. Why are they in a hurry? The school won't go anywhere and besides, it's just 10am.

"Coming!" I answered back. I grabbed my favorite black baggy sweater and hurriedly walked downstairs. I noticed a white bag, sitting peacefully at the kitchen counter. I supposed that was my Mom's. She always have this habit of forgetting her things.

"What took you so long?" Dad asked.

"I got nothing to wear." I replied.

"What? But you have a lot of clothes!" He said.

"Honey, she's a girl. It's just normal for us." Mom said which made my Dad groaned in annoyance.

"Mom. You forgot your bag."

"Thanks sweetie."

1 send her a small smile before going to the backseat of the car. I stare outside the car window and I saw the girl from yesterday. She is standing right at their garage while munching some chips. She waved at me and I just stare back at her which made her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

The car started to move and she's still staring at me while savoring her chips. I leaned back and put on my earphones and listen to my favorite artist, Taylor Swift. I closed my eyes, hoping that I can take even if just a short nap. I lose half of my strength when helped moving those boxes.

I was about to reach the front door of the dreamland when I feel the car stopped. Is the school just a few blocks away? We haven't even spent thirty minutes on the road yet.

1 peep out of the window and I noticed that we are at a drive thru of a certain fast food chain.

"Uh, what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Just to grab some snack. We haven't eat yet. What do you guys want?" Mom asked.

"A triple cheeseburger with fries and a medium cola.
Me and my dad said simultaneously. Our eyes widened and then laughter filled the whole car. My mom even said that I am really a carbon copy of my dad, because even when it comes to food, we still have the same

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