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Third Person's pov

Chaewon managed to control her emotion and got home without telling Yunjin her true feelings which she clearly find unnecessary. But Yunjin really gave the cheetah a hard time, she won't stop asking Chaewon the same question all over again.

"Come on. Just tell the truth." Yunjin said after she closed the front door. She can't stop herself from teasing the shorter girl. Yunjin thought to herself that it was impossible for Chaewon to be jealous but she really love seeing Chaewon getting annoyed.

Yunjin keeps on following Cgaewon until they reached the front of their own bedrooms.

"There's nothing wrong about telling the truth." Yunjin said with a wide smirk written all over her face.

Chaewon had enough of Yunjin's teasing so she decided to finally face the latter. "What truth?" She said in a low, emotionless voice while her arms are crossed.

"That you have a huge crush on me and you're jealous!"
Yunjin said in an excited manner. She then burst out in laughter. "Oh God. That's hilarious. What am I just thinking?" She mumbled.

Chaewon raised a single eyebrow as she glared at the tall girl in front of her who is holding her stomach. A one step forward coming from the annoyed cheetah was the key to make Yunjin stop. She lifted up her head and saw how Chaewon stare at her, her eyes were dark and cold which made her gulp a few lumps that's starting to build right down her throat.

Every time Chaewon took a step forward near her, Yunjin took a one step backward. Chaewon's eyes flicker at Yunjin's foot and her lips lifted up in a smirk. Knowing that she still have this kind of effect to Yunjin give her some glimpse of hope that maybe, only maybe, she still loves her.

Yunjin gasped when her back touches the wall. Fear rose up in her system, she has nowhere to go. Her eyes divert back towards the feline who keeps on walking forward.
"H-hey. I'm just m-messing with you." She stuttered. An angry Chaewon is the last thing that she wants to see right now.

"I thought you want to know the truth?" Chaewon said. She kept her low and stern voice that sends shiver down to Yunjin's spine. She stop right in front of Yunjin and leaned forward to lessen their gap.

"What if I tell you that I'm jealous?" Chaewon said. Yunjin almost choke on her own saliva when she heard how Chaewon's voice turn into a slight seductive one. Her palms are starting to get sweaty as the tension slowly fills up the entire space between them.

"What are you going to do about it? Yunjin." Chaewon said almost moaning Yunjin's name. Her eyes flicker back and forth from Yunjin's eyes down towards her lips.

Yunjin can feel the warm breath coming from Chaewon that sends her into daze. Her breathing became ragged and her heart start pounding loudly when she saw how Chaewon bit her lips unconsciously.

Chaewon slowly leaned more forward, aiming to finally close the gap between them. Yunjin don't know if she's going to push Chaewon away or not, but it looks like she lose control of her own body.

The sound of the front door opening interrupted whatever Chaewon was thinking. She glared at the direction where the front door is and rolled her eyes in an annoying manner. Yunjin finally let out a breath that she didn't noticed that she was holding for so long.

When Chaewon heard Yunjin's breathing, she diverted her cheetah-eyes back to her which made Yunjin held her breathe once again. Chaewon let out a knowing smile or more like a knowing smirk before distancing herself.

"You should thank those two dorks for saving your ass."
Chaewon mumbled before going inside her room.

When Yunjin heard the door of Chaewon's room shut, she fell down on her knees. She feel like she lose all of her strength. The image of Chaewon's bitch resting face is still visible in her mind.

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