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Yunjin's pov

"Calculus will be the death of me." Sakura complained as we went out of our room.

We just finished our last exam for this week. We've been stressing ourselves this past days and finally we will be able to get some real rest.

"It's just numbers cat." I said.

"That's the point! They're just numbers but why they need to be so goddamn hard!" Sakura groaned and threw her hands up in the air.

I burst out into laughter due to this girl's reaction. Sakura saw me almost dying out of laughter so she stopped her tracks and throw a tantrum on me. But that didn't stop me from teasing her.

"Come on. Stop pouting, it doesn't suit you." I said between my laughs.

"You are really rude!" She was about to punch me but I quickly run away from her. But Sakura is so eager to hit me, she didn't stop chasing me until we reach the cafeteria.

I am panting when I reached the cafeteria. I take a rest while waiting for Sakura to come. She's slow. Oh well she's short.

"Huh Yunjin!" Sakura screamed which earned the whole attention of the students.

She quickly jumped off towards me that's why I haven't been able to dodge her.

"Stop!" I yelled as this cat keeps on hitting my arms which I used to shield my face.

"Not until you say sorry!" She replied.

"Okay fine! I'm sorry. Please stop hitting me."

Sakura stopped hitting me and took a seat beside me. She is panting so hard and gesturing something at me.

"What?" I asked but she just keeps what she's doing.

"Why don't you just open your goddamn mouth?!"

"I said, go and buy me some food, idiot!"

"Why would I?"

"It's your apology gift to me." Sakura said sweetly and flutter her eyes in a way which she thinks is cute.

"No fucking way. And stop what you're doing you look like a moron." I laughed.

1 haven't seen her reaction because my vision suddenly turned dark. I can feel a soft, small hands covering my eyes. I smiled widely, knowing that my favorite person just arrived.

"Chaewon. I know it's you." I said.

She removed her hands and flopped herself beside me.

"Why do you always guess it right?" She asked and pouted.

"Strawberries." I said.


"You smell like strawberries. That's why I always know it's you." I replied. I saw a tint of pink on her cheeks. Is she blushing!

"Hey! Where's my food?" Sakura slammed the table and look at me furiously. This girl is really losing herself when she's hungry.

Sakura was about to yell again when someone shove a bread inside her mouth. Nakamura Kazuha to the rescue!

The angry cat quickly shut up and focus on her bread. I gave Kazuha a high five, she really have great timing. She also bought food for us which is not new because she always do that.

"How's your biology test?" I asked them. Chaewon and Kazuha don't have the same schedule like Sakura and I. But we have some subjects where the four of us are completed.

"It's okay. An easy 'A' for me." Chaewon said confidently.
She's wearing again that smug smile of her.

"You're full of yourself cheetah." I narrowed my eyes on her.

"I told you not to call me like that anymore."

"Whatever. You look like a cheetah, so I'll call you cheetah. What about you chicken? How's the test?"

"Then why am I a chicken?" Kazuha asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Because you love chicken." I said and pointed out on the chicken that she's holding.

"Oh. Yeah. Make sense. The test was okay." She replied and went back on devouring her food.

"So we're on the animal name basis here?" Sakura speak so it means she's done eating.

"Yup. You are a cat, a chicken, and a cheetah." I said while pointing on them one by one.

"And you're a dog." They replied simultaneously.

I gasped and act like I'm hurt which made them burst out in laughter. Do I really look like a monkey?

"So, since the exams are done, do you guys want to hang out at my place?" Chaewon suggested.

"We can't. We have to go somewhere, right Kura?" Kazuha replied.

"Oh yeah. Come on, we're going to be late." Sakura pulled Kazuha and we just stare at them as they slowly disappear to our sight.

"Have you noticed that those two are spending a lot of time together?" Chaewon blurted.

"Yeah. Maybe they're a thing." I said.

"What?! No way. That's gross."

"Oh yeah. I forgot you're homophobic. They're at the student council, what do you expect? They really will spent a lot of time together. But what if they really are?
What are you going to do?"

"I hate gays. Period. Now get your ass up, and let's go."

1 just shook my head and went after Chaewon. I know she don't know how to answer my question that's why she just quickly left. And I don't want to interrogate her more, it will just result to another nonstop debating and we might get ourselves offended again.

Chaewon was telling something while we're walking down the hallway when a sudden poster at the bulletin board caught my eye. I quickly stopped my tracks and stare at the certain poster.

"What are you staring at?" Chaewon asked confusedly.

"The dance club will be having an audition."

"So? You're interested?"

I just nodded in response.

"No way. You dance?!"

1 leaned closer to her ear and whispered.

"I just don't dance, I'm good at it." I said and let out a smirk.

"Look who's full of herself now." Chaeon rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I'm telling the truth!" I said as I follow her.

"Then show me. Go to the audition, I'lI be watching."

"Oh I surely will!"

We reached the outside of the campus while bickering with each other. Since we fix the mess between us, Chaewon and I grew a lot closer than before. She's also much clingier than me which is I'm starting to get used to. I like clingy Jennie a lot than furious Jennie.

1 suddenly stopped when I feel that I bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm very sorry." I said.

"It's okay. I was not watching the road either. Wait, Chae?" The guy said.

I glanced at Chaewon who is now wearing an unreadable expression.

"Do you know him?" I asked but I got no reply. Jennie is just staring at the guy.

"It's really you. How are you?" The guy said.

I saw Cahewon gritting her teeth and clenches her fist. I can smell the tension slowly rising up here.

"Can we talk-"

"Fuck off Yeonjun." Chaewon said before pulling me away. I saw tears starting to form in her eyes.

Who is that guy? Why Chaewon is so angry at him?

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