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Third Person's pov


"Earth to Chaewon?"


Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs earning the half of the student's attention around the cafeteria. When the cat noticed that they are looking at her with those judgmental eyes, she quickly bow down and smiled apologetically.

"Why are you screaming?" Hearing Chaewon talk, Sakura quickly face the cheetah and send her an 'are you kidding me look'.

"What? What do you want?" Chaewon asked.

"Can you please not murder your salad in front of me?
Gosh. If you're not going to eat it, then let me." The wolfcutted girl said and rolled her eyes in annoyance

Chaewon looked down and was surprised that her salad became mess that it almost look like it's inedible. She smiled apologetically to the food lover.

"Kazu, what the hell is wrong with this girl?" Sakura said annoyingly. She can't really stand anyone who has no values for food.

"Let her be Saku. That usually happens when you're jealous." Kazuha said and send a smug smirk towards the cheetah which made Chaewon put down her fork loudly and stood up. And for the second time, their group earned so much attention.

Chaewon slowly went back to her seat while Kazuha can't help but to giggle. The cheetah send deadly glares towards the girl in front of her but Kazuha's laugh didn't falter.

"How many times should I tell you that l'm not fucking jealous?" Chaewon crossed her arms and huff.

"How many times should I tell you that I'm not fucking jealous?" Kazuha imitate the cheetah's voice in an annoying way which made Chaewon to almost threw her salad right onto her face.

"Wait a minute. Can you please enlighten me? Because I freaking don't know a thing." Sakura said. Kazuha cleared her throat before started telling what happened earlier.

Ever since the whole campus heard about the news that their ace dancer is gay, a lot of girls started to swarm around Yunjin. They're giving them gifts, love letters and even asking her for dates. But Yunjin, being herself, she politely rejected each one of them.

That was the scene every morning that Chaewon has to witness. Every time that she took her first step inside the campus, all she can hear are screams and squeal coming from them which signs that Yunjin has arrived.

Even when she was about to get something in her locker, she can't escape the same type of scene since Yunjin's locker are just in front of her.

"You should have seen Chae's face earlier. She was holding her pencil tightly as if it's about to break anytime." Kazuha said and they burst out in laughter not minding the angry cheetah in front of them.

"Well, technically, if really you are jealous-"

"Which is clearly not, Miyawaki Sakura."

"Can you at least let me finish?" Sakura said annoyingly.
Chaewon lifted her both hands up.

"Thank you." Sakura replied sarcastically. "So as what I'm saying, you Kim Chaewon have no right to be jealous." Chaewon was about to say something but Sakura quickly lifted her left hand, telling that she's not yet done. Sakura leaned closer to the cheetah and rested her elbows right above the table. She rested her chin above her hands and look at Chaewon seriously.

"You pushed her away. Telling how you hated her so much. So don't tell me that you have some audacity to feel something like this." Sakura said. The look on her face and the tone of her voice brought tension to the cheetah who is now trembling in fear.

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