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Yunjin's pov

"It's really different being alone." I mumbled to myself as I went downstairs.

Usually, I would hear mom making something at the kitchen or dad watching his favorite sports show. I let out a deep sigh as I stare at the sofa where dad usually sits. It's been days since I started living by myself. Well, the reason is, something happened at some of our branches back in Usa and my grandfather need my parents help.

"Hey, ready for school?" Sakura approached me when she saw that I already went out of the front door.

1 just nodded in agreement and this cat started to cling her hands into my arms as we walk our way towards the school.

"So, how is it living by yourself?" She asked.

"I'm starting to love it. I haven't experienced this kind of peace for a while." I joked which made her giggle.

"Don't you miss them?"

"Of course I do. But practicing on being independent is also a good thing."

"How are you eating anyway? Can you cook?"

"I'm learning."

Sakura stopped in her tracks and burst out in laughter which made me look at her, full of confusion.

"Yah! You don't believe me don't you?" I said and stomped my feet due to irritation.

"I haven't seen you held a knife even for once, so how do you expect me to believe you?" She replied as she wiped a tear that was caused by her so much laughter.

"Then come over later, I'll gave you a taste of my cooking." I dare her but she swayed her hands, sign that she's not interested.

"I love food, but there's no way I'm going to eat whatever you'll cook." She said and stick out her tongue before sprinting towards the campus.

"Yah! Miyawaki Sakura! You're dead when I caught you!" I shouted before following her. Sakura was still not giving up on teasing me, which annoys me more. When I noticed that Sakura was slowing down, a smirk went out from my lips. I fasten my pace until I caught her, I locked my arms on her neck which startled her.

"Let go of me!" She yelled as she's trying to escape from my grip.

"Not until you promise that you will come over and taste my cooking."

"No! You wouldn't force me you damn dog!"

I was about to answer when I heard giggles coming from behind us. I looked back and I saw Chaewon and Kazuha, watching the both of us bicker with each other. Sakura took this chance to escape. She bite my arm as hard as she can which left me no choice but to let go of her. I fell down on my knees as I screamed in pain. I narrowed my eyes at the cat who is hiding right behind Kazuha but she just gave me a peace sign while she's grinning widely.

"You're already seniors but the both of you still act like kids." Kazuha said.

"As if you're not acting like one the most." I mumbled as stand up and fix my clothes.

"What did you say?" Kazuha said.

1 was surprised when she suddenly speak. I slowly turn looked at her and saw how she's glaring at me which made me gulped. She was about to attack me when a voice of a man, yelling excitedly took all of our attention.


It was Jaehyun, rushing his way towards us. His wearing this excited smile of him that made me squinted my eyes. I felt a hand touches mine and when I glanced beside me, I saw Sakura wearing that worried look on her face. I forced a smile out, hoping that it would ease her mind a bit.

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