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Chaewon's pov

1 slowly opened my eyes and saw a white ceiling. Wait, am I in heaven? I roamed my eyes and notice that I was just in my bedroom. But how did I get here? The last thing that I remember was I ran away from home because I saw someone who should be dead.

My head hurts as I try to remember what happened next. I was at the park and it started raining so hard. And then there was, Yunjin? Wait, but that's not possible. How come Yunjin will knew that I was there? I might be just seeing things.

I heard a soft groan coming from the right side of my bed and to my surprise there was my best friend, sleeping peacefully. Her head was resting at her arms. How come did she sleep in that position?

If Yunjin is here, then it means I really saw her last night.
But how? How did she knew that I was there? And I also can't remember how did I got home. Did Yunjin take me home?

"You're awake?" Yunjin asked and sat up properly. She cutely yawned and I was about to smile but then I remembered that we're not in good terms.

"Y-yeah." I replied and sat up in my bed slowly. Yunjin hummed and walk closer to me and place her palm on my forehead.

"You're fever went down. Great. My job is done here."
Yunjin said coldly and was about to leave.

"Wait." I called. She turned back to me and her eyes were blank.

"What?" Yunjin said. Her voice was still cold as ice.

"H-how d-did I got here?" I asked. I internally slap myself for stuttering.

"Your dad asked for my help to look for you since you ran away. I found you in the park, soaking wet."

"My dad? Did he-"

"Yes. He told me everything."

"Oh. I see. But how did you knew that I was at the

"You told me that was your safe place right?"

I smiled knowing that Yunjin remember that. I saw Yunjin wearing some of my clothes. My smile grew wider when I saw that Yunjin was trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Y-yah. I was also soaking wet and I don't want to sleep with wet clothes on. I might catch a cold too and if I did I wouldn't have been able to take care of you all night." She explained.

"Why didn't you bring an umbrella?" I said teasingly.

"I was in a hurry. And I was so worried about you." She said almost whispering the last word.

"Really? You're worried about me?" I said while smirking.

"Of course! I was you best friend after all. Even if you did something awful yesterday." Yunjin said which made my smirk turn into a frown. I knew that I was wrong. I shouldn't really brought Jaehyun with me.

"If you don't have anything to say, I'II leave now." Yunjin said and turn her back on me.

"Can you stay for a while?" I asked softly, hoping that she would agree.

"Just call jaehyun." She said, still not looking at me.

"I want you to be here, not Jaehyun." I said which made
Yunjin face me.

"Why do you want me to be here? Why not just call that guy since you really enjoy his company? I bet he wouldn't hesitate to say yes."

"Please Jen. It's been a while since we spend time together."

"And now you're begging. What makes you think that I will easily agree? After you ignored me? After you ruined our special day?" Yunjin scoffed and walk towards the door.

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