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Yunjin's pov

1 was woken up with the loud sound coming from my alarm clock and even it is against my will, I forced myself to get out of bed. My eyes diverted to the cat who is sleeping soundly at the other side of my bed. A naughty idea popped up in my mind. I took a deep breath and shouted her name at the top of my lungs. Luckily I've requested my room to be sound proofed, in that way I won't be able to wake Chaewon and Kazuha up.

"Kura!" I shouted. Sakura quickly sat on the bed, her hair is disheveled and you can see at her face how shock she is.

"What? What is it? Is there something happened?" She was panicking. Her eyes fixed on me and she quickly went in front of me and held both of my shoulders.

"Is there something happened to you? Do you have nightmares again?" She asked in a worried way. I felt guilty on what I just did by seeing how she reacted. I pursed my lips together, trying my best not to laugh.

"Good morning!" I said and grinned widely. Sakura took the clock to know what time is it. It was just 4:30 in the morning. Her hands gripped tightly at the alarm clock and looked at me with a deadly look. I gulped a few and slowly took my way towards the door.

"I'Il go and make some breakfast." I said before dashing my way through the door.

"Huh Yunjin!" She yelled. I heard a crashing sound after I closed the door of my room. It must be the clock. Or maybe it's just my imagination. I wonder what would happen to me if I didn't came out quickly.

1 went downstairs and started to prepare for our breakfast. I sent Sakura a text message telling to wake the other two since I knew how much time they need to prepare. We were having a good time last night and it was late for them to go home. So they decided to just sleep here, besides half of their things are with them since they stay here for days.

I was about to get an apron when I suddenly heard a rushing footsteps.

"Chaewon? What's with the rush?" I asked.

"You? You're going to cook?" She said. I almost forgot,
Sakura was the only one who tasted my cooking. I slowly nodded which made her shock in horror.

"No. You might burn the kitchen. Go upstairs and fix your things." She said authoritatively and grabbed the apron from my hand. I was left with no other choice but to go back and face the pissed cat upstairs.

"But I already knew how to cook." I whispered

"What? Are you saying something?" Chaewon asked.

"No. Nothing." I said and let out a small smile before going upstairs.

When I got back to my room, Sakura wasn't there anymore. I wondered where that cat went. I went towards my closet and grabbed some clothes that I needed for the trip. While I was busy fixing my things, something crossed my mind.

I think I heard some random noises at the room where Kazuha and Chaewon was staying. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to think what would be the source of that noises.

"If Chaewon rushed downstairs, it means Kazuha was left on that room. Sakura wasn't here at my room either." I was tapping my cheeks as I tried to think deeper.

"Oh shit.." I muttered to myself and quickly shook my head trying to remove the dirty thoughts that I'm thinking. I shove my clothes right into my bag and took a quick shower. I need something to wash away my sin.

I went downstairs and saw a bunch of food lying down the table. My mouth watered at the sight of those delicious foods. I was about to get an egg roll when Chaewon quickly tapped my hand away.

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