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Chaewon's pov

It's been a week since Yunjin stopped attending their practices. And I admit, I kind of miss seeing her dancing.
The aura and mood at the studio is way too different when she's around. I wonder how she is doing.

1 never have the guts to visit her after the accident. I always saw Sakura and Kazuha assisting her around the school. I can see how strong she is. Despite of what happened, Yunjin always manage to keep her smile. I tried too many times to talk to her whenever I found her alone but I thought that it might be weird that the one who despise and spit those hurtful words to her suddenly wants to be close to her again.

I'm starting to regret that I pushed Yunjin away. I honestly miss her being by my side whenever I needed her. I miss those silly jokes that she always threw out just to make me laugh whenever I have a bad day. I miss those times that we're hanging out. I miss Yunjin. I miss my best friend.
But this homophobic ass of mine sent her away.

Sakura was right, Yunjin never do something that would hurt me. Even if she's gay, she's not entirely like my mom. They're both different persons with their own attitude. I'm just too dumb to blame everything to her.

1 leaned my back towards the wall. Watching this dance practice is boring without that tall girl. I knew I went here because of Jaehyun but his dancing is not as good as Yunjin.

At the corner of my eye, I saw someone staring through the window. I swiftly turn my head around and felt my heart thump. There was Yunjin, standing outside the studio but the thing is she's not alone, Yizhuo was with

'What do you expect? They're dating idiot.' I internally scold myself.

They're been standing there for a few minute. Both of their attention are focused on the members that are busy practicing so they didn't notice that I was staring at them. Yunjin's eyes mirror sadness and disappointment. 1 can feel how much she wanted to participate but knowing that she have an injury, she can't do anything but to watch from afar.

The practice has ended and Jaehyun approached me. I drift my eyes away from Yunjin unwillingly and focused towards the guy who is smiling brightly at me. I smiled back and gave the water bottle to him.

"We might practice for a few extra hours." Jaehyun said as he flopped himself beside me.

"I might not be able to walk you home." He added and pouted. My heart was supposed to race every time that 1 will saw him acting cutely but this time, I felt nothing. I smiled, trying to mask the wondering that l've been having right now.

"It's okay. I understand. You guys need to strive harder." 1 said.

"Yeah. Without Yun, we're really on the edge." Jaehyun replied and leaned his back against the wall.

"It's really hard not having your ace huh?"

"Indeed. Anyway, are you sure that you're fine going home alone?" He looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"Of course. I'm not even a child. Besides, my house is not that far."

"Okay. You can go whenever you want. Just take care okay?" Jaehyun said and planted a kiss on my cheeks before going back to practice.

1 watch as Jaehyun goes towards the center. He faced me one more time and wave his hand, I just nod back and smile as a reply. I diverted my attention towards the window where I saw Yunjin a while ago. I automatically frowned when I saw that she's no longer there.

1 sit for a few minutes until I got bored. Jaehyun was busy holding their practice so I decided to just left and not to bid goodbye to him. He told me that I can leave whenever I want anyway.

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