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Chaewon's pov

My head is on the verge of exploding because I still don't know how to approach Yunjin. And guess what?
She's been constantly ignoring me for two fucking weeks! I know that what I said last time was below the belt but I have to keep my walls high. That girl is the type of person who isn't hard to be friends with and I'm afraid that she will turn out like...

Oh, never mind. I shook my head to shoo away the memories that are slowly returning. I've tried so hard to forget those, I didn't waste effort and time for nothing.

"Bye Dad!" I yelled as I close the front door.

1 fix the strap of my backpack and breathed deeply.
Today is the day where I said to myself that I'm going to fix what I did. No matter what happens, even if Yunjin wouldn't accept my apology, at least I did my part.

1 walked by the school's hallway and saw Dahyun and Momo kissing, oh slash that, they are making out at the front of their lockers.

"Ew. Gays." I muttered to myself.

I rolled my eyes and continue walking. It's still too early for my mood to be ruined and especially I wouldn't let those lesbos won.

As I was walking towards our history classroom, I saw a familiar tall figure. It's Yunjin, getting some things at her locker while talking to Sakura. She was smiling, but as soon as she saw me staring at them, her smile quickly turned into a frown.

1 was about to approach her but she quickly slammed her locker shut and stomped her way towards the classroom. Sakura look at me apologetically before following Yunjin.

1 almost screamed when someone suddenly put her arms around my shoulder.

"Yah! You scared the shit out me!" I yelled.

It was Kazuha. She was laughing at my reaction, telling me that I should've seen myself. I just rolled my eyes and ignore her.

"When are you going to talk to her?" She suddenly asked.

"I'm planning to approach her later."

"Is this for real? I have been hearing you saying those words a lot and I'm starting to not believe you."

"Yup. Now or never."

Yeah right. There's no turning back right now. Honestly, I'm starting to miss that dog even if we just known each other for a month. I've been comfortable talking to her, it seems like that I can say anything to her.

At this point, Yunjin would be greeting me annoyingly but due to my insensitive self, there's no monkey for me.
Two weeks of being ignored by Yunjin is so boring. I really missed our stupid fighting. I wish we can be friends, or maybe best friends? Who knows.

"If you won't talk to her, then she wouldn't be your best friend." Kazuha said while munching a chicken leg.

I looked at her with wide eyes. Did I just blurted out my thoughts? And wait, where did she get that chicken leg?

"Yes you do, Ssamu."

"What the fuck?"

- - - - -

I took my seat which was behind Yunjin. It was sad knowing that she wouldn't spare me even a single glance. Before, we used to bicker at each other until Ms.
Moonbyul, our history teacher came. I even sometimes throw crumpled paper to her which always annoys her.

"Good morning class. I will be away for week-"Ms.
Moonbyul wasn't able to finish her statement because the students suddenly squealed out of excitement.

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