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Chaewon's pov

"Cgae. You're spacing out again." Sakura bumped my shoulder slightly. I blink for a few times and diverted my eyes towards Sakura who is looking at me worriedly.

"Sorry." I muttered softly and went back on where I was staring before Sakura interrupted.

1 instantly regretted that I look once again to where I was looking before. I felt my throat became dry and my heart clench at the sight of Yunjin flirting with another girl.

"Whoa. That dog really turn into something.
Imagine, she's flirting with almost different girls every day." Kazuha said.

Yunjin didn't appear for the rest of our tour in Jeju. We heard from Ms. Moonbyul that she excused herself for the reason that there's an emergency that she needs to attend to. And of course, Ms. Moonbyul being a considerate teacher, she didn't think twice to believe what she said.

1 really thought that Yunjin left the country but what happened was worse than I expected. She stayed, which was supposed to make me happy because I'lI be still seeing her and I still have the chance to explain everything to her. But I was taken aback when we came back to school.

Yunjin wasn't attending our classes. I thought she was just sick or maybe she needed some space. It didn't take me too long to found out that Yunjun already change classes.
And the painful part is, every time we met at the hallway, she never failed to give me a cold shoulder and worse, I can always see her flirting with different girls that I'm pretty sure is head over heels to her.

I always find myself chasing after her, begging for her time, begging for her to hear me out. But Yunjin never did give me a chance. It seems like she ignored my pure existence. I cannot complain though, I am the main reason why Yunjin changed. If only I was just one step ahead, if only... Then maybe,

Yunjin would be mine already.

"Come on Chae. We will be late." Sakura said and held my hand. I gave her a weak smile and nodded.

1 took a one last glance to Yunjin and I felt a cold shiver run down to my spine when her eyes met mine. That was the first time that Yunjin spare me a single look and I wasn't happy with that.


Her eyes where blank. Emotionless.

And that was the most painful thing that l've encountered.

"I noticed that you haven't chased Yunjin for a while now.
Did you already give up, Chae?" Kazuha asked before taking her seat. I took a deep breathe before answering her question.

"No. It's not like that. It's more like, I don't have any choice left." I gave them a weak smile and both of them gave me a warm hug.

"Yah. Stop. You'll make me cry." I joked. The two chuckled and pulled away.

"Saku. You're still living with that dog right? Why don't you try to talk some sense to her? I'm pretty sure, Yun will listen to you." Kazuha suggested.

"I'm always trying, but that blonde has a lot of excuses and she has been coming home late this days." Sakura said.

"What?" Kazuha asked. A hint of surprise was visible to her voice. She and Yunjin haven't been able to hangout lately since Kazuha is always with me and Yunjin was clearly avoiding me and I can't help but to feel guilty.

"It's true! There was a time that Yun went home past midnight and she was reeking-" Sakura quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from talking when she noticed how my eyes widened.

Yunjin was drinking? Is she drowning herself with alcohol because of me?

I felt my heart tighten because of the fact that Yunjin was suffering because of me. I chuckled dryly when I realized how pathetic I am.

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