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Chaewon's pov

I'm currently on my way towards Yunjin's house. Jaehyun kept on bugging me to have a date with him which almost pushed me to the edge. I've told the girls to go ahead and I will deal with his tantrums.

Jaehyun and I decided to have a quick lunch together since both of us have bunch of stuffs lined up that we needed to finish before this week ends. I talked to him, no, more like scolded him for throwing tantrums earlier.

I explained to him that it's very inappropriate to act like that since he knew that both of us are busy and has other priorities to put first. He said that he just missed me that's why he really wants to go out with me. So to stop him from whining, I just agreed and dragged him.
But the weird thing is, I don't feel anything but annoyance. My heart was supposed to race since the person that I like told me that he misses me but that's not what happened. Now, I'm starting to question my feeling towards him.

1 was very much occupied with my thoughts, I didn't notice that I bumped into someone. I quickly bowed, and apologize to the person that I bumped into. But when I lifted up my head, I was surprised when I saw who I bumped into. The eyes of that person mirrored horror and shock, he quickly bowed and walk away from me. But then, he stopped when he heard me calling his name.

"Yeonjun!" I yelled. He slowly turn around to face me and let out an awkward smile.

"Coffee?" I asked with my most genuine smile. I saw how his eyes widened in surprise and how his head slowly nodded in agreement.

I led our way towards the nearest café and Yeonjun followed even though he was confused as hell. There's an awkward silence between us which I decided to break by faking a cough.

"So, how have you been?" I asked while playing with the cup of coffee in front of me.

"I'm fine. How about you? It's been a while Chae." He said with an almost shaky voice.

"Yeah. It's been a while." I said and sent out a small smile. Silence fills up the atmosphere around us for the second time. Damn, this is so awkward. I can't even pull myself together so that I can say what my reason of this sudden invitation is.

"Are you..." He paused, making me to lift my head up and meet his nervous eyes.

"Are you still mad at me? At Soobin" He asked. I purse my lips together and take a deep breath.

"You don't have to ans-"

"I'm not mad anymore. Everything is in the past." I said. I heard him let out a sigh of relief which made me internally chuckle.

"I'm glad that you already forgave us. I still want to apologize for cheating, and for me being..." He was hesitant to say the last word which I clearly knew what it is.

"No, you don't need to be sorry for being gay. I can't do anything if you're really like that. I should be the one apologizing to you. I'm sorry Yeon for hating and being disgusted just because you like the same gender."

Whoa. What happened to the homophobic Chaewon? Are you sick?" Yeonjun joked.

"Yah. Don't act like we're friends already. You still cheated with my best friend." I said which made him frowned.

"But if you promise that you won't do the same thing to him, then you're forgiven." I said with a teasing smile. I saw how his face brightened.

"I love him so much that I can't about doing that awful thing."

"Great. Or I might beat you up to death." I said and show him my fist. Yeonjun shook his head and laugh.

"How is he anyway?" I asked.

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