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Yunjin's pov

"Okay guys, let's have a break. 20 minutes, after that, we'll start again. Understood?" Momo said.

"Yes captain." All of us said.

I sat down at the floor, panting. The competition is getting nearer and our practice is more intense than ever. But no one ever dare to complain. All of us knew that if even one of us mess up, it will reflect to the whole team.

"Yo. Yunjin."

My eyes squinted when I heard that familiar voice calling my name. I ignored that certain voice and took my water bottle, my throat is getting dry and I need to stay hydrated.

"Yah. Come on. Don't ignore me."

The owner of the voice said as he sat down in front of me, I almost threw up the water that I'm drinking when I saw his face.

"What the fuck Jaehyun?" I yelled and rubbed my chest to calm my surprised heart.

"What? Did I do anything wrong?" He replied and tilted his head slightly to the side.

"YOU. Acting cute will be the death of me." I said. I was trying so hard to ignore him but Jaehyun is just too persistent. He keeps on bugging me every time that he has a chance.

"I am really cute. Look." He said and do an aegyo which make me cringe in disgust. I picked up my water bottle and threw at him. It landed on his head which made him winced in pain. I let out a soft smirk as I see him holding his head. Victory.

"What's going on here?"

"Yah! Taeyong! That girl threw her bottle at me!" Jaehyun yelled. Taeyong just chuckled at Jaehyun's childish act and sat beside me.

"Yo, Taeyhoe." I greeted him. I heard him scoffed at the nickname which made me giggled a bit.

"When will you stop calling me that?" He asked.

"When you stop playing with every woman's feelings, Taeyhoe." I replied, emphasizing the nickname. I gasped when Taeyong grabbed me by the arm and turn to him forcefully.

"Go out with me then." Taeyong said while staring at me with those dreamy eyes of him. Now I know why those girls been crazy about him. I took my time to scan his features. He has those eyes that makes you feel that you're in a different world. His nose is high and pointed.
His lips looks small but it matches the other feature of him. I admit, those girls never lie when they say that his face looks like been crafted by God.

"You know what, you're handsome." I said and I saw his lips slowly formed a smile.

"But you're in bad luck." I continued which made him furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm gay idiot." I finished and flick his forehead resulting for him to let go of me and rub the center of his forehead that been slowly turning red. Maybe my flick was too strong? Anyway, he deserves that.

"I can make you straight." Taeyong turned to me and confidently said.

''I'm not that type who will fall for your tricks, Taeyhoe." I said and send him a soft smile.

"I'm serious though." He replied and pouted his lips.

"Yah! I'm still here." Jaehyun said which made me turn to

"Right. Why are you still here anyway?" I said coldly.

"Come on Yunjin. Help me with your best friend." Jaehyun said straightly. I tried my best not to grit my teeth.

"No." I answered. I saw Taeyong stood up and walk towards at the other side of the room. Maybe he saw another target. This Casanova is unbelievable.

"Please?" Jaehyun once again did that annoying aegyo of him. I raised my hand and act like I'm going to hit him.
He's quick enough to use his arms as a shield.

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