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Third Person's pov

The clattering sound coming from the kitchen was heard once again which made Chaewon paused from her tracks. She flinched in surprise when she heard that mysterious sound once again. Her curiosity about who would be the reason of those sound grew even more.

Chaewon carefully continued her tracks, afraid that she might surprise that person. Her heart was pounding loudly that her own ears can even hear every bit of it.
She has a huge gut feeling that the person inside there was the girl that she was longing for.

"Damn. I already told Somi to put this pots at the countertop." The mystery person said.

Chaewon quickly covered her mouth to prevent a loud gasp to escape. She was facing the person's back so she wasn't sure if what she's thinking is correct. But judging by the aura and especially by the voice, the cheetah was pretty sure about her hunch.

The mystery person was wearing a black hoodie, the hood of the jacket was covering her entire head that made Chaewon have some difficulty to check her face. She was stacking the pots carefully and put it at the counter top beside her.

Chaewon's eyes widened when the girl slowly turned a bit as she put her both hands on her hips and let out a sigh of relief. The cheetah can feel her heartbeat double its speed but before she muttered a word, she was interrupted by a blue cat.

"Huh Yunjin?!" Sakura called in a high pitch. There was no sign of hesitation at her voice.

Sakura's loud voice gained the attention of the mystery person. She turned around, facing where the voice came from. The hood was still covering her eyes, only showing her lips that is now wearing a mischievous smirk.

"Yah. Are you really that dog?" Kazuha's voice showed a little bit of threat but the mystery person didn't move an inch and gracefully removed the hood of her jacket instead making Chaewon frozen.

"I am. Miss me?" Yunjin said confidently. Her smirk is now turned into a grin but that was instantly replaced when she darted her gaze to Sakura.

"What happened to your hair?!" Sakura and Yunjin said at the same time. They're pointing at each other and their mouth was open, showing how surprise they are.

"I told you I was going to dye my hair because I want us to look like twins!" Sakura said and walk fast towards the latter. "Why did you cut your hair? Why did you changed your hair color?" Sakura asked while repeatedly hitting Yunjin's arms.

"Stop! Will you?" Yunjin said

"Why?!" Sakura said, both of her hands are on her hips while glaring at Yunjin.

"New look?" Yunjin said while smiling awkwardly. She grew pretty tired of her long blonde hair that reminds her of some hurtful memories that she wants to bury forever.

So, Yunjin came up with a decision to cut her hair short and turned it into a really dark black. She just pick it because she thought it was cool.

"You look good in blue." Yunjin said, trying to lighten up the tension. It was very effective since Sakura's once glary eyes turned into a soft one as a smile escape from her lips.

"I know right." Sakura said and do a hair flip which made the both of them giggle.

"You look good on your new look too." She whispered. Before Sakura could throw herself into Yunjin for a hug, Kazuha took her place.

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