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Chaewon's pov

I'm starting to get impatient, we've been waiting for thirty minutes. Yunjin and Minjeong haven't showed up yet.

"Impatient are we?" Kazuha said in a teasing manner when she noticed how I keep on glancing at my wrist watch.

"If you didn't ask Minjeong to come with us then maybe we're enjoying already right now." I said and rolled my eyes. "You even asked that jerk over there." I said pertaining to Heeseung who is currently talking to some random girl.

"That's Saku's fault not mine!" Kazuha defended herself.

"But you didn't stop her, so basically, it's also your fault." I said.

"I thought Heeseung was courting you?" Confusion is visible at Sakura's voice.

"Itold you I didn't agreed to that." I reminded her.

"But still, he's your date today! He should have been paying attention to you." Sakura blurted.

"Date? I don't have a date." I said and rolled my eyes again. "Just let him be. I don't even care about him anyway." I said.

"How I wish your eyes will get stuck whenever you do an eye roll." Kazuha said.

I was about to answer her back but my attention was instantly caught by Yunjin who is looking so stunning in her white baggy shirt. Her beanie was perfect for her so as that specs. The only thing that doesn't match her outfit was that girl walking with her.

Don't get me wrong, Minjeong is a nice girl. Actually, I can't hate her but I can't also let her have Yunjin not until Yunjin tells me that she don't love me anymore while looking at my own eyes.

"You're drooling Chae." Kazuha whispered. I instantly wiped my mouth but I found no drool. I sent a deadly glare to Kazuha when I found nothing. She quickly hid behind Sakura knowing she would definitely get a beating from me.

"Traffic got us. Sorry." Minjeong said and smile brightly at us.

"No it's fine." Sakura said which made my eyebrows furrow.

"Yeah. Thirty minutes is not that long." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes. Sakura pinch me on my side, which made me yelp. I quickly faced her and she was glaring at me. I glare at her but she was not budging even a bit so I decided to give up instead of prolonging our staring

"I'm just joking. It's really fine." I said and smiled

My gaze went towards Yunjin who is not looking at our direction. I followed where she is looking and I saw that Yunjin was looking at Heeseung. I flicker my gaze back towards her and I noticed something unexplainable in her eyes.

"What is that guy doing over there?" I gulped when I heard how low her voice is.

But before one of us is able to give her an answer, Heeseung was already running towards our direction.

"Finally." He said and clasped his hands together. "We're complete!" He squealed.

"Yeah. Let's go inside. I'm excited to ride that roller coaster!" Kazuha exclaimed.

We were about to go towards the ticket booth when we heard Yunjin's low and deep voice once again.

"What are you doing over there?" Yunjin said, looking at Heeseung with those cold stare of her. Heeseung look at each one of us as if his trying to make sure that he is the one that Yunjin is pertaining to.

"Who? Me?" Heeseung pointed to himself.

"Who else is here that is talking to some random girls?"
Yunjin said in a cold voice.

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