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Third Person's pov

"What happened to your face?" Sakura asked Yunjin.

Yunjin walked towards the blue haired girl who was busy eating at the kitchen. The dark circles under her eyes are clearly visible. Yunjin sat down lazily at the chair beside Sakura and rest her head on the table.

"Did you sleep?" Sakura asked before taking another bite on her apple.

Yunjin lifted up her head and leaned at the backrest of the chair. She let out a tired sigh before slightly shaking her head. Yunjin remembered how many times she rolled over her bed, trying to get a comfortable position. She keeps on rolling until dawn and when the sun finally rose up, she decided to give up.

Yunjin covered her eyes with her palm. The reason why she can't get the sleep that she wanted is because she's thinking about the possible instances that can happen when she finally tells Chaewon that she's still in love with her. She was unsure if she's ready to break down the walls that took her some time to build. She was unsure if she can take another rejection. She was unsure if she's ready to get hurt again.

"Drink this." Sakura said and put the cup of coffee in front of Yunjin.

The aroma of the coffee quickly reached Yunjin's nose making her system slowly woke up. Yunjin carefully took the cup and feel its warmth. She carefully took a sip so that her tongue wouldn't get burn.

"What the hell? You too, Chae?" Sakura said which caught Yunjin's attention.

Yunjin's automatically fixed at the certain girl who is lazily walking towards their direction. Her hair is a little bit messy and her eyes have also dark circles underneath. Chaewon didn't also get some sleep last night.

But what really caught Yunjin's attention was the fact the Chaewon was only wearing a big tee shirt partnered with a very short shorts. Her milky legs were fully exposed which made Yunjin fully awake. The tall girl felt some beads of sweat starting to form at her forehead. Yunjin felt that her throat suddenly became dry so she quickly grabbed the cup and drink it in one go. She almost choke by what she did which made her cough.

"Are you okay Yun?" Sakura asked when she heard her coughing. Yunjin made an 'okay' sign with her hand since she can't speak properly yet.

Chaewon flopped herself at the chair in front of Yunjin and rest her head at the table like what Yunjin did. The feline scratched her head in an annoyed manner. She really wants to sleep but every time she will close her eyes, Yunjin's face will appear.

"Stay here. I'II make you a coffee too." Sakura said. "What the hell is going on with you guys?" She added before making her way towards the coffee maker.

"Where's Zuha?" Chaewon mumbled.

"She went at the university library. She's doing some research. Engineering stuffs I guess." Sakura said.

"But it's Sunday?"

"I know. And it sucks not having my baby here." Sakura

Chaewon cringed at what Sakura said. She lifted up her head and groaned as she massaged her nape and shoulders.

She closed her eyes and enjoy the relaxing sensation that she's feeling. That made Chaewon to let out a soft moan not knowing that Yunjin was watching her.

Yunjin was already blushing when Chaewon started massaging her own shoulder. The sight of Chaewon with closed eyes and slightly apart lips made Yunjin shifted in her seat. Her blushing increases when she heard Chaewon moan. That made Yunjin let out a fake cough since she don't know how to control herself when she hear that heavenly sound again.

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