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Yunjin's pov

"Finally, hell week is over." I mumbled as soon as I woke up.

I let out a groan as I stretch my arm. It's been just a week since I last slept like this but it feels like l've been longing for a good sleep for a month. Speaking of longing, there's another thing that I was longing for. I'm miss having dates with my Chaechae. We've been busy this past few days. We haven't had a chance to go out since we need to prioritize our studies first before anything.

But now, since we have a day of rest, I should ask her to go out on a date with me. I'm pretty sure she also miss my annoying ass.

"Seriously?!" I said in a loud voice.

1 was surprised when I took a glance at the clock on my bedside table. It's already twelve noon. I slept that long?
My stomach suddenly made a sound. It's almost past lunchtime, I need to go downstairs and eat something.

I got out from my bed and do my daily routine. My eyes darted at Chaewon's door as soon as I got out of my room. I'm wondering if that girl had eaten already. I knock a few times but there's no one answering. That's when I decided to finally open the door of her room and took a peek. Who knows, Chaewon might be still sleeping.

"Oh, she's not here." I mumbled to myself when I witnessed an empty room.

Chaewon might be downstairs but the whole house seems like a little bit quiet. I went downstairs and I was right, the whole house seems empty. I went back upstairs hoping that either Kazuha or Sakura are in their rooms.

1 went first at Kazuha's room but before I was able to knock on her door, I was distracted by the sound of a guitar coming from Sakura's room.

"Come in!" Sakura yelled when she heard me knocking.

"Finally, you're awake." Sakura said and put aside her pink guitar when she saw me entered her room.

"Have you eaten already?" I asked.

"Not yet. I'm waiting for you to wake up. Actually, I'm on the verge of pouring you some cold water." Sakura said with a smirk. stared at her in awe and acted like I was hurt.

"How rude." I said. Sakura giggle and went off her bed.
She pulled me by the hand, this girl must be really quite hungry.

"Whoa. Who made all of this?" I said when I found a lots of delicious dishes patiently waiting on the table.

"Chae's mom came over earlier and cooked all of this.
She pulled out a chair and flopped herself into it as she stare hungrily at those foods. I chuckled and I took a sit right in front of her.

"If you're awake when Chae's mom came over, why didn't you eat earlier with them?"

"I wanted to give them a mother and daughter time so I just stayed in my room."

"Ah. Is that so? Anyway, where's Chae?"

"She left probably with her mom."

"And your girlfriend?"

"She still has some exams today."

"It sucks being an engineering student."

"Can we just eat already? I'm hungry, Huh Yunjin."

1 giggled and raised both of my hands as a sign of me surrendering. You can't really disturb Sakura when it comes to food.

- - - - -

After me and Sakura ate our lunch, we went to our own rooms. I've been scrolling whole day while I'm waiting for Chaewon to come back. But it's already three and still there's no sight of Chaewon. Well, she's with her mom anyway. Maybe we can have a date some other time.

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