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Third Person's pov

The organizers led the students outside the studio after the audition finished. The captain of the Fimmies decided to announce which students passed in private. Maybe she don't want those who wouldn't passed to feel so bad about themselves.

Chaewon stomped her way out of the studio. She badly want to be there when they announce that Yunjin will be joining the crew. Yeah, she's pretty sure that her best friend would be accepted. From the way Yunjin dance, only an insecure brat wouldn't pass her.

Chaewon crossed her arms and leaned her back towards the locker near the dance studio. Her eyebrows are furrowed, sign that she's really annoyed. Sakura and Kazuha thinks Chaewon's tantrums are cute because Chaewon looks like a kid who has her ice cream took away from her.

That's why they're trying to hold back their laughter knowing that Chaewon would be so mad at them.

"Why are you so annoyed? Are you worried that Yunjin won't pass the audition?" Sakura asked.

"No. I just don't get it why they need to drive us out when they can announce it anyway."

The door of the studio suddenly swung open which made Chaewon's face suddenly grew bright. She straighten her posture and waited for Yunjin patiently.

"Look, there's our star." Kazuha said and pointed to Yunjin who is walking towards them with her head hung low.

The three girls look at each other not knowing what would be their reaction. Seeing Yunjin at that state makes them to send worried looks at her. Yunjin stopped her tracks and stood right in of them, her head is still hung low.

"Hey buddy? Are you okay?" Kazuha asked softly. Yunjin just reply with a loud sigh which made Chaewon more worried.

"It's okay Yun. You can try again next time." Sakura said and pat Yunjin's back.

"Really Chaechae?" Yunjin said.

"Yes! That's why I'm confused why you didn't passed!" Chaewon replied. Yunjin can't hold it back anymore. A wide grin slowly forming at her lips which made the three confused.

"Who said I didn't passed?" Yunjin said still not wiping that grin of hers.

"Oh my God. I knew it!" Chaewon yelled before throwing herself to Yunjin. Yunjin quickly catch Chaewon and hug her. She lift her up and they spin while laughing.

Yunjin stopped when Chaewon patted her shoulder as a sign that she's dizzy. She slowly put her down and their face were inches apart. The two of them seem to be frozen at their position. Yunjin was caught by Chaewon's eyes and so as the latter. She saw how Chaewon from her eyes towards her lips.

A fake cough from Kazuha made the two came back to their senses. Chaewon quickly push Yunjin away from her and fix her clothes thinking that it would lessen the awkwardness they're having. Sakura on the other hand pinch Jisoo's arm which made her winced in pain.

"What was that for?" Kazuha said.

"For ruining their moment, idiot." Sakura whispered.

Yunjin's pov

My cheek heated up after that close encounter with Chaewon. It wasn't my intention to be that close to Chaewon.

It was pure coincidence. I scratched my nape and look at Chaewon who is busy fixing her clothes. Our eyes met but I quickly look away. I can feel that I'm blushing right now and I hope that Chaewon didn't notice that.

1 feel someone pat my back so I quickly turn around to see who it is.

"Oh. Hi Yuqi." I said.

"Congratulations Yunjin." Yuqi said with a smile.

"You too Yuqi. Congratulations. Can't wait to dance with you.

"Me too. Well, practice starts next week. You don't have to wait that long." Yuqi laughed. Our conversation was interrupted when someone coughed behind her.

"Oh, I almost forgot. This friend of mine wants to meet you so bad." She said which earned her a smack from her friend. Yuqi push her friend which made her stumble. Lucky, I was able to catch her. I can feel someone looking at me and when I glanced at Chaewon, she's staring at us like she's going to kill.

1 gulped a lump from my throat. I shivered at Chaewon's stare. This cheetah can be really scary sometimes. But why is she staring at me like that?

"Are you okay?" I asked when I diverted my attention to Yuqi's friend.

"Yes. Thank you and sorry for that. Yuqi is being an ass." She replied and rolled her eyes on Yuqi. I can't help but let out a soft giggle.

"Cute." I muttered softly.
"Anyways, I'm Yizhuo. Ning Yizhuo." She said and reach out her hand for a shake. I gladly accepted it.

''I'm Hu-"
"Huh Yunjin." Yizhuo said which surprised me.

"I-I was w-watching you earlier." She added when she saw how confuse I am.

"Oh. Then that explains why you know my name." I replied and smiled softly.

"Yeah. You're good. I mean, you're amazing!" She said which made me chuckled.

"Thank you." I said shyly.

"So Yunjin, I was wondering if you're free today. Maybe you want to have coffee with me." Yizhuo asked.

1 was about to respond but Chaewon suddenly went between us and stare at me coldly. My eyes widen and I gulped once again. I hate it when Chaewon giving me those stares.

'I want an ice cream." Chaewon said sternly.

"O-of course. I'II treat you tomorrow Chaechae." I said.

"No. I want it, now." Chaewon said, emphasizing the word
'now' and walked away from us. I glance back at Yizhuo and smile at her apologetically.

"I'm so sorry Yizhuo. Maybe some other time?"

"Yeah sure. No worries."

"Maybe you can give me your number. I'll call you." I said and gave her my phone.

"Huh! Are you coming or what?" Chaewon said coldly.
1 hurriedly grab my phone from Yizhuo and waved them goodbye. I run towards Chaewon who is waiting for me, with those cold eyes of hers. Sakura followed us while dragging Kazuha. Knowing that she will be getting free food, she didn't hesitate to come with us.

"You're dead bro." Kazuha whispered as they passed me by.

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