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Third Person's pov

Kazuha was the first one to arrive at the mall where their meeting place would be. She admit that she's quite excited. It' been a while since they bonded with just the four of them. She hope that everything will be fine today especially when there is a tension between Chaewon and Yunjin.

After a few more minutes the twins have arrived. Sakura was clinging onto Yunjin's arm. They both waved happily and excitedly when they spotted Kazhua waiting for them.

"Where's Chaewon? I thought she's with you?" Kazuha asked when she noticed that they're not yet complete.

"She told me that she needs to do some stuff first so she asked me to go here first." Sakura explained.

Yunjin chose to be silent. She didn't tell them what happened yesterday. Yunjin doesn't want their fight yesterday to affect their gathering today. Even she's not in good terms with Chaewon, she can set that aside just for this special day.

"Oh. She texted me. She said that she's on her way."
Sakura said.

"Great. Now we just wait." Kazuha replied.

Sakura shifted her gaze to Yunjin when she noticed that her best friend went silent again.

"Yun? You okay? You're spacing out again." She said and held Yunjin's hand. Yunjin gave her a timid smile.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Are you sure you can do this? I mean, we can hang out next time." Kazuha suggested. She was also worried about the blonde.

"Guys. This day is very special to us. I don't want to ruin that. I'm fine okay? You don't have to be worried about me." Yunjin assured.

But they all know she was lying, even Yunjin. She knew to herself that she wasn't fine. Well who wouldn't be? The two admire Yunjin, they admire the way how she can handle such a difficult situation. They admire her strength to keep things in normal and her strength to hide her feelings.

Thirty minutes have passed but still there is no Chaewon.
Yunjin was getting anxious and agitated at the same time.
She started to think on what happened yesterday. She's pretty sure that she made everything clear towards Chaewon. That she shouldn't think about not coming today. Yunjin gritted her teeth at a certain thought that crossed her mind.

'What if she chose that fucking guy again?' Yunjin thought.

She can take it when it was her who has been ditched by Chaewon but not these two girls beside her. Her eyebrows furrowed thinking how could Chaewon did such thing. But she quickly shook her head, it's too early to assume things.

"There she is!" Sakura yelled.

Yunjin look at where the cat was pointing and her eyes suddenly burns in anger.

"And with Jaehyun." Kazuha said disappointedly. Sakura smile falters when she saw that Chaewon wasn't alone.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Yunjin muttered angrily.
This day was exclusive only for them and Chaewon knew that. There was supposed no other people involved. For Yunjin, this is much worse than ditching.

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late." Chaewon said apologetically. The three girls didn't answer her, instead they we're just looking at the couple with mixed emotions.

"Hi. Hope you guys don't mind if I join." Jaehyun said and scratched his nape shyly.

"Can we have a minute?" Yunjin said and moving few meters away from them. Sakura and Kazuha followed Yunjin without hesitation.

"Wait here, okay?" Chaewon said to Jaehyun and smile.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here? Seems like they're not happy."

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