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Yunjin's pov

"You're lucky you just got a mild one." The school nurse said when she was done putting a cold cast on my right ankle.

"Then how long will it take before it will fully heal?"
Yizhuo asked.

"A week or two maybe." The nurse replied before leaving.
1 sighed and my shoulders dropped in defeat. I was looking at my casketed right ankle with a frown on my face. The competition will be held next week and just by thinking that I won't be able to dance makes me disappointed.

"You're disappointed, aren't you?" Yizhuo asked. I faced her and a pout appeared on my face.

"Who wouldn't? I badly want to dance." I said. I gripped my hair with both of my hands.

"Ugh. This is so frustrating." I added and flopped myself back on the bed. I heard Yizhuo giggled but I was too caught up by my frustration to pay attention to her.

1 tilted my head sideways, causing me to face the door.
Then the incident a while ago popped up right into my mind. I saw how Chaewon run towards me with full of concerned written in her eyes. I thought she despise me? Then why the hell did she acted like that? Must be out of reflex?

"Nope. That's clearly impossible." I whispered to myself.
But then, the image of Chaewon reaching out her hand to help me appeared on my mind. I got a chance to take a look at her dark brown orbs and those cheetah-eyes of her seems to tell that she's really sincere about helping me.

But if Chaewon really is, then why are she's not coming here yet?

Honestly, I've been waiting for her to visit me. I always took glances at the door, hoping that cheetah would show up. But the classes will end up soon, and there's still no kitten.

"You're waiting for her?" Yizhuo suddenly spoke which made me quickly sat up and face her. I blinked for few times, trying to absorb what she said.

"W-what?" I said. I bit my lip when I realize that I stutter and look at her apologetically. I heard a faint chuckle coming from which made me furrowed my eyebrows.

"Chaewon. You're waiting for her." She said. I looked down, trying to avoid her eyes. I knew I should be focusing on her. I can feel that we made a progress on whatever is going on between us but seeing Chaewon's reaction earlier made me suddenly confused.

"Why didn't you take her hand instead?" Yizhuo asked.

"I-I don't know." I softly muttered.

The silence that filled the space between us gave me a chance to think clearly. I gulped for a few times as I try to prepare myself.

"Yiz." I started. She just hummed in response.

"I-I think we should stop this." I said.

I was hoping for a slap or whatever needs to be done when a girl hear those things. I clutched my eyes closed and bit my lip tightly.

"Why are you keeping your eyes close?" She said.

"I thought you're going to slap me." I said looking at her with one eye open.

"Why would I when I've been thinking the same thing?"
Yizhuo smiled at me which made me stare at her blankly and blinked out of confusion.


"I can see that you're heart still beats for Chaewon. I have no match for that. I can't force you to like me."

''I'm sorry."

"No, you don't need to. I was the one who insisted in this ridiculous set up. I even stole a kiss from you. And besides, my feeling for you aren't that deep. So, no worries Yun." She said and smiled at me genuinely.

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