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Third Person's pov

A loud commotion coming from the bystanders caused Chaewon to stop from spacing out. She quickly run towards the direction where the people are gathering around and pushed herself into the crowd. The girl instantly froze at what she saw.

Chaewon gasped in horror and covered her mouth with trembling hands. Tears are starting to escape from her eyes.


Chaewon lifted her head up and saw Yunjin standing at the other side. Her eyes were fixed on the ground as her lips trembled in fear.

"No! No!" The tall girl repeatedly shouted.

Yunjin quickly rushed towards the body of Sakura who is now lying down at the cold ground, covered with her own blood. She quickly pulled the blue haired girl's body to a hug as tears started streaming down her face.

"Y-Yunjin." Sakura said in a weak voice.

"Yah. Don't talk." Yunhin said before turning her attention towards the crowd that are currently watching them.

"Don't just fucking stand there! Call a fucking ambulance now!" Yunjin shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Yun." Sakura once again called her but Yunjin just kept on shouting for help.

Sakura gathered all of her strength to hold Yunjin's arm which caught the latter's attention.

"Do I really need to get hit by a car before you stop?"
Sakura joked as she her hand travel towards Yunjin's cheeks.

"You're such a stubborn girl, do you know that?"
She added and smiled.

Yunjin held Sakura's hand that is resting on her cheeks. She shook her head softly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Kura." Yunjin said and planted a kiss at Sakura's hand.

"Why are you crying?" Sakura asked. "You look ugly when you cry." She added.

"Sakura." Yunjin mumbled.

"Stop crying." The blue haired girl said and wiped Yunjin's tears off.

"Save your energy, the help is on the way." Yunjin said and went back on pleading the crowd.

"Damn. You're really stubborn Yun." Sakura said and took a deep breathe. "I'm sleepy, Yunjin."

"H-hey! No, Kura. Don't dare to sleep. Y-you promised me r-remember? You promised me that y-you won't leave me."

Yunjin's eyes darted towards Chaewon who is still in shock. The accident that she witnessed when she was still a kid was being to close on what is happening today.
Chaewon met Yunjin's eyes and saw how her eyes beg for

"Please. Call an ambulance." Yunjin said in a weak voice.

The girl hurriedly took her phone out and started to dial the emergency hotline. She manage to explain clearly what the current situation is and tell their location.

Chaewon rushed toward where Yunjin is and crouched to match their current height. "The ambulance will be here within five minutes." She said. They we're indeed in luck because the nearest hospital is just a couple of blocks away from the café.

"Five minutes is enough for me to take a nap." Sakura said and coughed afterwards.

"Stop talking, Kura." Chaewon said and held Sakura's other hand tightly.

"Hey. Just look at me okay. Don't sleep." Yunjin said as she guided Sakura's face to look at her.

"But I'm really sleepy. Just five minutes, Yun." Sakura said and slowly shut her eyes close.

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