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Third Person's pov

"And where have you been?"

The old man asked the two girls whose giggles suddenly forfeited. The old man's gaze diverted towards the hands of the both ladies. Judging by those bags that they're holding, seems like Chaewon and Yunjin has gone shopping again which made the eyes of the old man narrowed.

Yunjin gulped due to the nervousness that she feels. She didn't know why her grandfather was acting that way.
Chaewon and her has been constantly going out after Christmas Eve and this is the first time that her grandfather questioned them.

"Yunjin's just showing me how great New York is." Chaewon said confidently.

Yunjin agreed but she can't help to stutter which made the old man in front of them to chuckle. Yunjin and Chaewon look at each other with eyes filled with confusion.

"I'm just messing with you. What's with the face Yunjin?
You seems so scared." Her grandfather asked with a teasing smirk formed on his lips.

"I thought you're mad at me." Yunjin said. This time, it's her turn to narrow her eyes to the old man.

"I would be if you won't let Chaewon rest. It's New Year's Eve later and we're going somewhere to celebrate it."

Yunjin just shrugged it off and led Chaewon upstairs. She don't care where they might be going later because she was sure that it would be one of those parties that some businessman would attend. Yunjin hates those kind of parties a lot. The fact that it's rare to see some people at her age there, bores her a lot.

"Where are we going later?" Chaewon asked.

Yunjin opened the door of her room first before answering and drop the bags to the floor and flopped herself to her bed.

"Yah! My ice cream was there!" Chaewon screamed and rushed towards where the bags are. Yunjin chuckled when she saw how Chaewon cared for her precious choco mint ice cream but she suddenly stopped herself when Chaewon look at her with deadly eyes.

The cheetah started rummaging the bags looking for her ice cream. When she finally found it, Chaewon quickly cooed and checked if her choco mint ice cream was in good condition. That sight made Yunjin's heart melt and a smile was slowly forming in her lips. She's always fond of this side of Chaewon.

"You still have the guts to smile after what you did." Chaewon said and rolled her eyes. Yunjin giggled and patted the empty side of her bed, asking Chaewon to sit beside her.

Chaewon pushed herself up from the floor and went towards the empty space beside Yunjin. The blondie rested her head to the black-haired girl shoulder, she's tired of all the walking that they did earlier.

"You still haven't answered my question Jen." Chaewon said.

Yunjin glanced at her a bit and saw that she's already eating the ice cream that she's holding. Yunjin let out a soft giggle and rested her head back towards Chaewon's shoulder.

"I think we're going to a party later." Yunjin said which made Chaewon yelped in excitement that forced the blonde to move her head away.

"A party?" Chaewon asked excitedly.

"Yeah. But it's not like what you think. That party is full of guys wearing suits. And I swear, that's very boring." Yunjin replied lazily.

"You don't want to go?"

"As if I could. You're coming with me anyway, so I think I can stand the party. Now, can you please let me rest for a bit?" Yunjin said and rested her head back to Chaewon's shoulder.

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