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Yunjin's pov

"Now, is there something I forgot?" I held my chin and scan my things once again.

When I finally make sure that all of my things are prepared, I get my black bag and went downstairs. I went first to the kitchen where mom is.

She's always spending her time making something here.
It's like the kitchen is her safe haven.

"Oh, you're leaving already Yunjin?" Mom asked when she noticed my presence.

"Yup. But I'll go first and check Sakura, she might not be finished packing her things." I said and put my bag on the kitchen counter.

I was about to go out when the doorbell suddenly rang.
"That must be her." Mom said.

"I doubt it. That girl is way too slow." I said and walked towards the door.

I opened the front door and my mom was right. It was cat who rang the doorbell. She was wearing a pink oversized hoodie, partnered with a black sweatpants. On her right hand, she was holding a black bag.

"Whoa. I thought you were still packing up. Are you sick or something? This is unusual for you." I said teasingly.

"Whate- Oh, we almost wore matching outfits." Sakura said as she scan my whole body. I look at myself, I was wearing a black sweatpants too partnered with a white oversized sweater. My eyes went back on the cat standing in front of me, we really do almost wear matching outfits.

"And your bag matches too. You girls look like twins."
Mom said behind me and gave me my bag.

"Why is this so heavy?" Mom said pertaining to my bag.

"I will be gone for 2 nights, Mom."

"2 nights? The weight of your bag seems that you'll be gone for a month or two." Mom replied. I just smiled at her.

"I'm going to take the car mom." I said and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"You don't need to tell me Yunjin, it's your car." Mom said 1 just nodded and turned around and saw a cat being lost by her own thoughts

"Earth to Kura?" I said and snap my fingers in front of her face. Sakura flinched a bit and came back to her senses.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I added.

"I was thinking of dying my hair the same color as yours.
In that way, we will really look like twins." Sakura said happily.

"Whatever. Let's go." I said and went towards my car. I opened the trunk and put my bag and Sakura's inside. I went to the driver seat and Sakura took the shotgun

"Why are you sitting there?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Why? You want me to sit at the back and make you look like my driver? Besides this seat wasn't taken. Or you want someone else to sit here?" Sakura said and narrowed her eyes on me.

"O-of course n-not. What are y-you thinking?" I said and breathe deeply.

"Hmm. Okay." She replied and put her seatbelt on. I did the same thing and start the car.

"Bye mom!" I yelled before droving out of the garage.

"Bye Mrs. Huh!" Sakura said and waving excitedly while sticking her head out of the window.

I drove my way towards Kazuha's house before going to Chaewon's. I asked Sakura to get off and rang the doorbell. I'm not yet done talking when Sakura happily run towards Kazuha's front door.

"We've got a one excited cat here." I muttered to myself and got off from my car. I leaned my back at the car door, waiting for a certain chicken to come out.

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