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Third Person's pov


Yunjin stuttered as she muttered the name of the raging cheetah.

Yunjin had to expect her arrive, she always left the door open when the girls are coming over in case Yunjin was in the bathroom and so she did that today too. Unfortunately fo Yunjin, Chaewon planned to surprise the two because but she heard how serious they are talking to each other so she decided to hide.

But she was the one who got surprised.

"H-how I-long have y-you been there?" Chaewon asked once again. Fear was evident from her voice. She held tightly at the counter to support her knees that are slowly losing their strength. She tried to force out a smile, like she usually do, trying to hide the nervousness that she's feeling right now.

"Long enough to hear everything." Chaewon said with a low, cold voice. She hung her head low, hiding her eyes, making the two girls in front of them to have a hard time reading her thoughts.

"Tell me it was all a lie." Chaewon whispered but loud enough for them to hear.


"Shut up, Sakura." Chaewon said making the eyes of the cat grew wide. She had no choice but to pursed her lips and stopped herself from talking. Even though she really wants to defend Yunjin, talking to Chaewon at this state is not going to be helpful.

"Now, tell me what I heard was all a joke." Chaewon lifted up her head and looked at the blonde. Tears are streaming down from her raging eyes that made Yunjin to look away. The aching of her heart grew even more.

"Tell me Yunjin!" Chaewon shouted. Frustration, anger, pain, that's what Chaewon's tone show. Yunjin lowered her head and gritted her teeth while clenching both of her hands inside her pocket. Tears are started to form from her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Yunjin softly said. Chaewon scoffed and wiped up her tears.

"Unbelievable." She said before walking out from the blonde's house.

Hearing the retreating footsteps of the cheetah made Yunjin jolt up. When she lifted her head up, she saw Chaewon was already right at the front door. Sakura haven't got the chance to stop Yunjin because the blonde run as fast as she could. The cat was left all alone from the kitchen and decided to focus her attention back to the pasta the Yunjin cooked earlier.

"Chaewon wait!" Yunjin shouted and held Chaewon's wrist, stopping her from leaving.

Chaewon abruptly pull her hand away from Yunjin's grip which made the blonde dumbfounded.

"Why Yunjin? Why of all people? Why you need to be one of them?" Chaewon said, her back is still facing the blonde. She doesn't have the will to turn around and face her. She feel betrayed by her own best friend.

"I-I tried to fight it believe me. But, every time I try, my feelings for you grew deeper. Until one day, I woke up, and realized that I love you more than a best friend. That I'm fucking in love with my own best friend."

"Since when?"

"Since that day full of thunders. Where I found you crying in the corner."

"So you're just hiding your true identity from me all this time?" Chaewon said and turned around to face Yunjin. Her face is a mess, tears are flowing non-stop from her eyes.

Yunjin don't know what to say anymore so she just went quiet.

"You fucking betrayed me! I trusted you! You knew how much I hate this kind of people! Why do you need to be like them? That's why I told you stop hanging out with that rat!"

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