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Third Person's pov

Chaewon woke up by the sun rays hitting her gorgeous face. Her eyes are still closed, trying to continue her sleep but with someone left the curtain open, she clearly knew that she can't go back to dreamland. She stretched both of her arms and shifted to the other side. She reached at the other side of the bed and was surprised when she held something strange.

Chaewon open her eyes slowly and saw a beautiful creature sleeping right beside her. Her eyes went down when she felt something heavy right on her tummy. It was Yunjin's arm, wrapped around her waist.

Yunjin groaned which made Chaewon to shut her eyes closed quickly. She doesn't know why but she felt afraid of getting caught.

When the cheetah was sure that her Jen was still asleep, she opened her eyes and took her time to stare at her best friend's pretty face. Chaewon smiled unconsciously when she saw how Yunjin's mouth are slightly parted. The ray of the sun hitting her face makes her look more beautiful.

"You know that it's rude to stare, Chaechae." Yunjin said which made Chaewon almost jump.

Even if Yunjin's eyes were closed, she knew that Chaewon was staring at her. She can feel her hot breathe right on her lips. Yunjin doesn't want to scare Chaewon but fighting the urge to tease this beautiful cheetah is hard. She opened her eyes slowly and laugh at Chaewon's surprised reaction.

"I I'm not s-staring!" Chaewon denied and push Yunjin making the latter to fall down from the bed.

"Ouch. You did it again." Yunjin said while rubbing her butt.

"That's what you get for teasing me." Chaewon replied.

Her gaze suddenly glued at the empty bed in front of her. There were four beds in this room. Kazuha and Sakura are occupying the two. She furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered why did Yunjin slept right beside her.

"Jen, how come you slept beside me and not in your bed?" Chaewon wondered.

"You might want to ask your drunk self." Yunjin said as she was struggling to stand up.


"You can't remember a thing aren't you?" Yunjin narrowed her eyes on Chaewon and the latter just shook her head.
Yunjin leaned closer to Chaewon and stare straightly at her cheetah-like eyes.

"You were so drunk and ask me to sleep with you."

"I did?!"

"Yes Chaechae. You even stopped me from going back there."

Chaewon massage her temples trying to remember what happened last night. All she can remember was Taeyong kissing Yunjin way to close to her lips for her liking. And that thought made her burn in anger.

"Good morning!" Kazuha said with a loud voice and stretched her arms but her stretching interrupted when a pillow landed right at her face.

"You're too loud!" Sakura said angrily.

"It's morning Kura! Time to wake up!" Kazuha said and jump at Sakura's bed. Sakura groaned angrily and try to hit Kazuha but the latter quickly went to Chaewon and hide behind her.

"Chae! Save me from the angry cat!" Kazuha said.

Kazuha quickly fell down when another flying pillow hit her again.

After her revenge, Sakura run towards the balcony and spread her arms feeling the morning breeze touching her skin. She shouted a 'good morning' at the top of her lungs.

"Look who's loud now." Kazuha said and stare at Sakura's back full of disbelief.

"It's your fault, you wake her up." Yunjin said and helping Kazuha up.

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