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Chawon's pov

I'm starting to get anxious because it's been days since I've last heard from Yunjin. That afternoon where we are supposed to hangout, Yunjin didn't showed up, so as Sakura and Kazuha. I guess didn't she tell them. Yunjin texted me that she has some emergency that day but after that, no more news about her.

"Chaewon! Over here!" Sakura yelled as soon as I enter the cafeteria. My eyes automatically scanned the place for a certain blonde girl, but she's nowhere to be found. I sighed frustratingly and went towards Sakura.

"What's with the smug face?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah right. You look like a mess." Kazuha said worriedly.

"Haven't you seen Yunjin yet?" I asked.

"No. She's not even attending our classes." Sakura replied.

"What the fuck happened to that dog? It's been three fucking days! I swear I'm gonna rip out the hair of her if I see her." I gritted my teeth due to anger.

"Hey calm down. Maybe she's just busy." Kazuha caressed my arm trying to calm my nerves. I smiled at her and nodded in response.

"So, I was thinking about joining a club, do you have any suggestion?" Sakura asked.

"Hmm. What do you like the most?" I asked.

"Eating!" She replied confidently. I laughed at her response, this girl is really something.

"There's no such club where you will just eat Kura." Kazuha said and pinch the latter's cheek. If I didn't know these two, I'll probably think that they're a couple.

"Tsk. Bummer." Sakura pouted.

"I wonder what club Yunjin will join. She mentioned to me that she's interested in a certain club." She continued.

I think I knew what Yunjin is talking about. I closed my eyes and massage my temple trying to remember what club Yunjin is pertaining to. But it's no use, I can't still figure it out. I roamed my eyes around the cafeteria hoping that I can find some clues.

A certain poster at the wall caught my attention. I narrowed my eyes as I tried to read it from a distance.

"Dance..." I muttered which caught the attention of the

"Are you saying something Chae?" Kazuha asked.

"Dance!" My eyes widened and a wide smile formed from my mouth.

"Dance? What? Do you want to dance?" Sakura said with confusion written all over her face.

"No. When is the audition for the dance club?" I asked.

"Uhh... Tomorrow?" Kazuha looked at Sakura asking for confirmation about her unsure answer. The latter nodded which made me smirk a little.

"I think I know where to find that dog." I said and quickly stand up from my seat.

"Yah! Where are you going?" Kazuha shouted.

"Just come with me!" I yelled back. I saw them hurriedly got up from their seats too and run to my direction.

Chaewon's pov

'I'm so tired!" I said and lay down the floor with my arms open widely.

I can feel the sweat dripping all over my body. My shirt is also soak in sweat and since I am the only one who is here at the dance studio, I decided to take it off for a moment.

It's been days since I started practicing here and today I need to work double because tomorrow is the audition for the dance club. When I told my parents about the club, they instantly rent this studio for me. But little they did not know, I haven't been attending my classes.

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