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Yunjin's pov

It's Saturday afternoon and I'm bored as hell. I've already finished my home works and chores. I want to come with Dad to the restaurant but he doesn't want me to go so I have no choice but to stay. I'm starting to regret why I didn't agree when Sakura asked me to hangout.

I'm currently lying on my bed, busy staring at the ceiling because I've got nothing to do when suddenly, my phone rang.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

1 put my phone down and didn't reply to her text message. I flip myself and lie on my bed face down when I receive another message from cat.

"Is it because of Chaewon?"

"Yes! It is because of her!" I said loudly and threw my phone somewhere in my room. Luckily, my floor is carpeted, and my phone didn't get any damage.

Yes, Chaewon was the main reason why I don't want to come with Sakura. When I heard that she's also coming, I immediately made excuses which leaving that cat to just agree. I know she didn't believe at any of my excuses.

Since that day, when I found myself smiling at Chaewon tantrums, I've been working double on avoiding her.
Why? Because I've been starting to feel some weird feelings which I can't explain.

I even started to think that I might starting to develop a crush on her but I immediately shook off that thought because I know, that I'm straight as hell. And I would be just proving her accusation of me being gay which is the least thing that I would want to happen.

I sat on my bed and my eyes caught my guitar which is sitting peacefully at the corner of my room. It's been a while since I played this. Maybe it's time to play again.
1 grabbed my guitar and went to the balcony.

Third Person's pov

"Yunjin's not replying to any of my messages." Sakura exclaimed.

"Then maybe that's the way of her saying that she don't want to come today." Kazuha said and took a sip at her smoothie.

The two of them, together with Chaewon are at a diner few blocks away from their school. They just finish their group study so they decided to hangout for a while since there wouldn't be any classes tomorrow.

Kazuha and Sakura are busy talking with each other about random things, while Chaewon was just staring and playing with her milkshake. Knowing that Yunjin still wouldn't want to talk to her makes her feel anxious.

"Is it because of me?" Chaewon suddenly said, making the two girls stopped their gossip and sent a pity look at the latter.

"Why would you think like that?" Sakura said.

"You two are hanging out with me, the person who Yunjin hates the most." Chaewon replied.

"At least just for now." Kazuha said and took a bite from her chicken.

Sakura kicked the chicken lover's knee beneath the table which made her winced in pain and made the chicken fell into the floor.

"Maybe Yunjin is just busy, Chae." Sakura said.

"Look what you've done to my precious chicken!" Kazuha shouted but she quickly shut her mouth when she saw the lady in front of her sending deadly glares.

A loud sigh coming from Chaewon made Kazuha and Sakura divert their attention back to her.

"Why don't we just go to my place? Let's watch some movies!" Sakura suggested, trying to lighten up Chaewon's mood.

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