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Third Person's pov

"Where's Chae?" Kazuha asked Sakura when she arrived at the cafeteria.

"As usual. With Jaehyun." Sakura said and flopped herself onto the chair. Both of them gave a worried look at Yunjin.

"Stop looking me like that. I'm fine." Yunjin said.

Kazuha also knew about what happened that night at the beach. She saw Sakura and Yunjin leaving so she decided to follow them. She kept her distance so that the two won't be able to see her. Kazuha heard everything and decided to confront them tomorrow morning.

She asked about Yunjin's situation on their way home since Chaewon went with Jaehyun, the three of them got the whole car for themselves.

"We all know that you're lying Huh Yunjin." Kazuha said sternly.

"What else can I do? It's usual that Chaewon would be with Jaehyun. They're dating remember?" Yunjin said and let out a deep sigh.

Chaewon was spending a lot of time with Jaehyun lately, making the blonde out of the picture. She haven't also walked home with Yunjin lately. Even if Yunjin wants to complain, she knew that she's has no right. She's been watching Chaewon from afar these past few days and seeing how happy Yunjin is, her can't help but to ache.


A loud voice echoed at the whole cafeteria gaining the attention of almost all the students but except Yunjin. She didn't bother looking whatever commotion might be right now.

"Yah. Look." Kazuha said and nudge Yunjin.

"Do I have to?" Yunjin said tiredly.

"Yup. She's calling you." Sakura said. Yunjin looked slowly towards the direction of the voice.

Yizhuo smiled from ear to ear when she finally saw
Yunjin look at her. She rush towards her excitedly. She missed the blonde so bad. Yizhuo quickly wrapped her hands around Yunjin's arm and leaned her head to her shoulder. Yunjin didn't bother to stop the girl at all.
Besides Chaewon wasn't around and she's pretty sure that the cheetah won't mind since her whole attention was on someone else.

"Hey. Didn't saw you for a while." Yunjin greeted. Yizhuo lifted her head up and looked at Yunjin cutely.

"Sorry oppa. My cousin came back from US and Dad asked me to be with her for a while." Yizhuo said.

"No worries."

"Did you miss me?" Yizhuo flutter her eyes in a cute way. Yunjin let out a soft smile before answering her question.

"It's unusual not having someone that follows me constantly."

"Yah. My question just can be answered by a yes or no."

Yizhuo pouted. Sakura and Kazuha feeling left out, faked a cough earning the attention of the two.

"We're still here." Sakura said and waved her hands in front of them.

"Reminder, this is a cafeteria not a park. Cut-off your sweetness, it's making me cringe." Kazuha said and act like she's trembling in disgust.

Yizhuo and Yunjin just laugh off at their silliness when suddenly the girl remembered that she's going to do something.

"Oh, too bad I need to go now, I'm going to meet my cousin." Yizhuo said sadly.

"Okay. Take care." Yunjin replied.

"See you later, oppa!" Yizhuo said and stole a kiss from Yunjin's cheeks quickly. Yunjin was surprised she didn't expect Yizhuo to do a bold move like that.

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