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Third Person's pov

Kazuha nudged Sakura who almost can't take her eyes off the television. Her favorite Disney movie is currently playing so she just turned her head towards Kazuha's direction but left her eyes darted to the television, not wanting to miss a single scene.

The taller girl called her once again but this time, by her full name. "Miyawaki Sakura!" She yelled and hit her thigh which made the blonde jolted.

"What the heck Kazu?!" Sakura hissed in pain and rub the part where Kazuha just hit. Kazuha smiled apologetically. Sakura suddenly had her eyebrows furrowed when she saw Kazuha pouting her lips. She felt a blood rush into her cheeks.

"Y-yah. W-why are y-you doing that?" Sakura stuttered but Kazuha just kept on pouting her lips. Sakura let out an annoying sigh and said, "Fine. If this is what you want."

Sakura closed her eyes and leaned closer towards the taller girl. Seeing what Sakura did made Kazuha confused.

"Hold up!" Kazuha said when she notice that Sakura's face is almost an inch away from her. She held both of her arms which made the blue haired girl shot her eyes wide opened and stare at the latter with her eyes full of confusion.

"What are you doing?" Kazuha asked Sakura whose lips are still pouted.

"W-what? I thought you want to..." Sakura said and pointed Kazuha and her lips in a back and forth manner.

"Oh." Kazuha said when she realized that Sakura misunderstood. She quickly forced the blue haired girl to turn around which made Sakura gasped. "I was pointing at those two." Kazuha said and darted her eyes towards Yunjin and Chaewon who is sitting at the couch behind Sakura.

"And?" Sakura said.

"What's wrong with them?" Kazuha asked.

Sakura can't help but to let out a smirk when she saw what was happening between the two. Yunjin was bugging Chaewon since yesterday but Chaewon kept on ignoring her.

"Come on Chae. Please." Yunjin said in a pleading manner but Chaewon didn't pay attention to her and continue scrolling into her phone. "Yah. Kim Chaewon!" Yunjin yelled in a high pitch voice.

Chaewon quickly covered her ears and shot a glare towards the latter afterwards. "Can't you be quiet even just for a second?" She said and rolled her eyes.

"Tell me her name and I'l be quiet." Yunjin said.

"I don't know her." Chaewon said casually. Yunjin scoffed when she heard Chaewon's answer.

"You're with her for the whole fucking week, roaming around the university since the class started and you're telling that you don't know her name?!"

"Exactly." Chaewon said which made Yunjin groaned out in frustration.

Chaewon bit the inside of her cheeks to prevent herself from laughing. She find it cute whenever Yunjin is getting annoyed. Chaewon has no plan on telling Yunjin about Minjeong. She's afraid that one of this days, she might soon regret it. But knowing the tall girl, she will definitely find a way.

"Damn! You're so frustrating!" Yunjin yelled as she gripped her hair with both of her hands out of frustration.
Sakura can't help but to let out a soft giggle as she keeps on watching the two. While Kazuha is still clueless on what was happening.

"Yah. What's happening? Why Yun is acting like she's so annoyed?" Kazuha whispered. She was behind Sakura and her mouth is so close at the cat's ears sending shivers throughout Sakura's body.

"Can you move a little bit?" Sakura said, trying her best not to stutter. When Kazuha moved her body away from her, she immediately fan herself using her hand.

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