54. M

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Third Person's pov

Yunjin held Chaewon's waist and pulled the girl closer to her closing the gap between them. Chaewon wrapped around her arms at Yunjin's nape.

The sweet kiss that they shared for a minutes became wet, sloppy and aggressive. Their hunger for each other was now clearly obvious. Their tongues started to find for dominance. Yunjin's hand started to rub circles at Chaewon's back which added to the tingling sensation that the girl was feeling. An uncontrollably moan came out from Chaewon's mouth which excites the taller girl.

When they ran out of air, Chaewon pulled away and looked at the latter. Her eyes were dark and full of lust, as well as Yunjin. Chaewon's gaze are very seductive which made Yunjin lick her lips.

"Take me." Chaewon said in a seductive manner.

"Are you sure about this?" Yunjin said. The lust in her eyes fade for a second and replaced by worry. She want Chaewon so much but at the same time, she also respect the girl.

Chaewon didn't answer Yunjin's question and leaned forward instead. She bit Yunjin's lips, hard enough to make the taller girl moan. Yunjin can't control her hormones anymore. She pulled away the girl for a bit and smirk as she stare at those lustful eyes.

"Not here. I don't want us to be interrupted." Yunjin said.
Who knows, Sakura and Kazuha might barged in anytime and that's what Yunjin don't want to happen the most.
Yunjin pulled Chaewon upstairs quickly. She don't want to waste any more time. She waited so long for this to happen and that's enough.

"Your room or mine?" Yunjin asked.

Chaewon walk ahead of Yunjin, swaying her hips which made the latter stare at her with her jaw dropped. The girl opened the door of her room slowly. She gave Yunjin a one last seductive look over her shoulder before going inside.

Yunjin felt her throat became dry. Seductive Chaewon will definitely become the death of her.

"I just hope those two won't come early." She mumbled to herself before following the girl.

It was dim inside Chaewon's room. Their only source of light was the lamp beside Chaewon's bed. Yunjin roamed her eyes to look for the girl but she was nowhere to be found.

Chaewon was standing right behind the door when Yunjin came in. She closed the door without making a sound and locked it. Then, she walk slowly towards Yunjin, Chaewon tiptoed and gave the behind of Yunjin's ear a lick which made the latter quickly face her.

The girl smiled seductively when Yunjin faced her. She saw how Yunjin's brown orbs darken which made her bit her lip.

"Don't do that." Yunjin said, still trying to control herself.
Chaewon just smirked and said, "Do what?" before biting her lower lip again.

"Fuck it." Yunjin cursed under her breath before capturing her lips.

Yunjin pushed Chaewon to the door, still having their lips together. Chaewon wrapped her hands around Yunjin's nape as the latter lifted her one leg up. Yunjin's hand started to travel down towards Chaewon's ass and gave it a squeeze which made Chaewon moan between their kiss.

Yunjin lifted Chaewon up and guided towards her bed, still not breaking the kiss and carefully lie Chaewon down.Chaewon was just staring at Yunjin while panting when Yunjin broke the kiss and stand up.

"Take your clothes off." Yunjin's voice turned into a husky one which added to her hotness.

Chaewon gladly obliged and slowly lifted up her shirt which indeed seems like a torture to Yunjin. The taller girl bit her lower lip as she watched Chaewon slowly stripping right in front of her. Yunjin badly want to rip off Chaewon's clothes right now but at the same time she wanted their first time together to be memorable.

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