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Yunjin's pov

You are a fucking filthy gay.

I hate you!

I despise you!

You're just tiring yourself.

I wish I never met you.

"No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

1 woke up panting, sweats are dripping down from my forehead. My eyes was glued to the ceiling. The only thing that's making noise right now is this freaking alarm clock beside me.

1 annoyingly turned it off and sat at the edge of my bed.
1 brushed my hair with both of my hands and rested my elbows right above my thighs. I hung my head low as both of my hands rested above my head.

It's been weeks, and it still haunts me even in my dreams. Chaewon's effect on me is really something. Is this what first love do?

"Ridiculous." I dryly chuckled.

There's nothing that I can do to fix everything. Chaewon hated me that much, maybe it's time to forget about her.
1 know it wouldn't be easy, but do I have any choice? I can't make her fall for me knowing that she hated my whole existence.

Fuck that cheetah. I haven't done anything to her but she hated me so much. It's not even my fault that her mother turns out to be gay. And I'm not even the reason why her sister died. I understand that she had some painful experience in the past. But, that's not enough to hate every gay that she met. She didn't even value our friendship.

The continuous ringing of my phone pull me away from those deep thoughts that I was having. I picked it up and my eyes grew wide as I saw lots of message coming from my cat, asking me to go to school already.

It's been four days since I stopped attending classes. I needed a break from everything, mostly from Chaewon.
1 also noticed messages from Yizhuo, telling how worried she is. She's also whining that I left her alone for days and still owe her a lunch.

"I need to take a bath." I mumbled.

But before I was able to put my phone down, Kazuha's called ID suddenly appeared.

"What this chicken wants?" I muttered before answering her call.


"Where the fuck are you?!" Kazuha screamed at the other line. My ears rang because of the loud voice of hers.

"Yah! Do you have plans destroying my ear drums?!" I yelled back. But instead of another yell, I heard Kazuha sniffing.

"A-are you c-crying?" I asked.

"I'm just glad that you're still the same Yun." She said which made me chuckled a bit.

"Is that Yun? Give me the phone." I heard Sakura said.

"Hey. How are you Yun?" Sakura asked with her soft voice.

"I'm fine. I guess." I said, barely whispering.

"Have you got the same dream again?" She asked. Yes, Sakura knew about that. She was with me when it first happened to me.

"Yeah. But I'm starting to get used to it."

"Yah. You need to forget her Yun."

"I know. I'm trying, believe me."

"I believe you. Anyway, are you going back today?"

"Maybe. I have already missed a lot. I might not able to catch up. I still want to graduate though."

"Saku, baby! We will be late!" I heard Kazuha screamed.

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