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Third Person's pov

"Mom, how long would you keep packing up your things?" Yunjin asked irritated. Her mom was taking quite too long on packing up her things which made Yunjin uneasy. She was worried that they might miss their flight.

"You need to calm down dear. Let your mom do her thing. Remember, she's a girl." Mr. Huh console her daughter.

"But what if we miss the plane? And why mom is packing so many things?" Yunjin asked. Some of their clothes, bags and accessories were left in Usa. They didn't bother to bring those when they flew here in Korea.

"It's still early my dear daughter. Can you please be quiet? And these are some goods from here. Your grandfather wants me to bring some as a gift." Her mom explained.
Yunjin was about to complain once again when the doorbell rang. Here heart jumped in excitement knowing who might that be. She quickly run towards the door and composed herself before opening it.

Yunjin's heart stopped beating for a moment when she saw the beauty of her best friend. Seems like the lights blinded her because Chaewon's aura was so bright even if the girl was just wearing a simple black and white stripe crop t-shirt and a black jeans. Chaewon surely knew how to make a simple clothes, elegant.

"H-Hi." Yunjin greeted. She can't stop herself from stuttering. Well, who wouldn't stutter if there is such a gorgeous girl showed up at your front door?

"Hey. Am I late? I was having a hard time packing earlier." Chaewon said.

"No you're not. Mom's having the same problem too." Yunjin replied. They heard footsteps heading downstairs meaning that Yunjin's mother was finally doing her thing.

"Oh, hi Chaewon. Are you ready to go?" Mrs. Huh asked.

"Yes ma'am." Chaewon said politely.

A honk of a car grabbed their attention. It was their ride to the airport. Yunjin's father asked some of his employees to pick them up since both of their drivers which was Yunjin and herd dad, was not in the mood for a drive. Well, that's clearly just an excuse. They're just feeling lazy, like father, like daughter indeed.

Chaewon gasped in surprise which earned Yunjin's attention.

"Why? Is there something wrong? Did you forget something?" Yunjin asked worriedly.

"No. I'm fine. It's just that we're both wearing stripes.
Matching outfits, cute." Chaewon muttered and smiled at her before entering the car.

I looked at myself and noticed that i was wearing a white crop top, black pants and a shirt open with black and white stripes.

Well, fuck.

'We look like a couple. Oh God. I need to stop being delusional.' Yunjin scolded herself and followed Chaewon.

They arrived at the airport thirty minutes before the boarding. Yunjin found Cgaewon having a hard time bringing her bags so she decided to help her. Chaewon's heart fluttered at her best friend's sweet reaction but she thinks that it was just because she's touched by her

When they already got inside the airplane, Yunjin saw how Chaewon was having a hard time to but her bag inside the overhead bin. Yunjin can't help to smile seeing how the cheetah tiptoed as she tried to reach the bin. Chaewon saw her best friend watching her suffer.

"Aren't you going to help me?" Chaewon glared at Yunjin which made the blonde laugh a bit before walking closer towards her. Yunjin took the bag off from Chaewon's hand and smoothly push it inside and close the lid of the cabin.

"It sucks being a small bean?" Yunjin said as she leaned closer to the cheetah. Chaewon narrowed her eyes towards the blonde and flick her forehead causing the latter to hiss in pain.

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