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Third Person's pov

A soft, tender lips repeatedly landed on Yunjin's face giving her wake up kisses. The tall girl already knew who it was even if her eyes are still closed. She kept on pretending that she's still sleeping so that she can still enjoy those sweet little kisses not knowing that her lips are slowly curving into a smile.

"I know you're awake already. Stop pretending." Chaewon said and playfully hit Yunjin's arms.

Yunjin felt that the bed became lighter meaning that Chaewon already stand up. But before Chaewon walked even an inch away from her, she quickly pull the girl's hand causing Chaewon to stumble back in bed. Yunjin quickly wrapped her arms around Chaewon's waist causing the latter to let out soft giggles.

"Good morning." Yunjin whispered. She's still on her bedroom voice causing Chaewon to shiver. The girl quickly recovered and pressed her back against Yunjin
even more.

"Good morning to you too." Chaewon said sweetly.
"I really love how you wake me up." Yunjin said and plant a kiss on Chaewon's shoulder.

"And you always failed on pretending that you're still asleep." Chaewon said and let out a soft giggle when she felt Yunjin's lips started planting kisses on her neck.

"Jen, stop." Chaewon said between her giggles but Yunjin continued on what she's doing.

Chaewon kept on struggling to get out from Yunjin's grip but the other girl was just too strong. The girl's laugh grew louder when Yunjin climb on top of her and started tickling her sides.

"I told you to stop." Chaewon said with a wide smile over her face as she held Yunjin's hands which made the latter to stop. Yunjin responded a loving smile and rest her forehead at Chaewon's.

"I love you." Yunnin said and gave Chaewon's nose a peck.

"I love you too." Chaewon said as her smile grew wider.

"Now, let's get up and eat some breakfast."

Yunjin groaned and rested her weight fully at the feline's body. She buried her face on Chaewon's neck which made the latter's breath hitched as she felt Yunjin's warm breathe touching her bare skin.

"Five more minutes." Yunjin mumbled.

Chaewon gathered all of her strength and pushed Yunjin away from her. Chaewon stand up quickly because she knew that the five minutes that Yunjin was asking will definitely turn into an hour or two.

"Nope. We still need to go back at the tailor shop to get your suit and my dress. I don't want to go to Kura and Zuha's wedding without that." Chaewon said.

"But we can get it later. Come back here and cuddle with me." Yunjin tapped the space beside her.

"No. We have an appointment, mom and sas already went there."

A smirk suddenly appeared on Yunjin's lips which made
Chaewon's eyes squinted.

"What's with that smirk?" Chaewon asked, still narrowing her eyes towards the latter.

"Nothing. I was just thinking that we're alone here and maybe you want to redo our honeymoon." Yunjin said and lie on the bed in a sexy way while wiggling her eyebrows.

Chaewon laughed a little. She grabbed the towel hanging near the door and threw it onto Yunjin which perfectly landed on her face.

"Pervert!" Chaewon shouted. "Go and take a bath. I'II prepare some food." She added before walking outside of their room.

Yunjin and Chaewon are currently in Busan since the wedding of their friends will happened in here. They stayed at Chaewon's house since Yunjin sold her house here in Busan.

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