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Third Person's pov

5 years later.

"Yes Mom. I already arrived here in Paris. How's Dad?" Chaewon said to the other line.

"He's okay now. I'm surprised he didn't cried that much." Her mom said.

After her lover died, her mom went back to Busan and there, she met Chaewon's father again. Both of them decided to forget the bad things that happened in the past and started a new life. Even Chaewon was surprised when she got home during their semestral break and found her mom cooking at the kitchen.

"He always cry whenever I'm going overseas." Chaewon said and rolled her eyes. "I need to go mom. I love you.
Tell dad I love him too. I'll call you later." She said before ending the call.

The reason why she ended the call is because she saw Kazuha and Sakura approaching her. The three of them travelled together to Paris yesterday.

"Can we just stay at the hotel? My head is still spinning."
Sakura said.

Sakura is now a certified food critic. She just got her license last year and the demand for her is surprisingly high. She just started working for months but her schedule has been quite busy.

"Can you remind me why am I even here?" Kazuha asked.

"Why? Don't you want to spend your holiday with me Engr. Nakamura?" Sakura said in a cute way.

Kazuha became a licensed engineer a year earlier than
Sakura. She works at a big electronics company and a few step closer to start her own robotics company.

"Of course, I do my sweet little girl." Kazuha said and pinch Sakura's cheeks.

"Get a room." Chaewon playfully said. "Where's Eunchae?" She asked the couple when she noticed that her cousin was missing. Eunchae is also working for Chaewon as an intern.

"I thought she's with you?" Sakura said.

And as if on cue, Eunchae suddenly appeared with a frown written all over her face.

"What's gotten you so grumpy?" Kazuha asked.

"Where have you been?" Chaewon crossed her arms and raised one of her eyebrows towards the latter but it doesn't affect her cousin.

Eunchae rolled her eyes in annoyance when she remembered what happened just a few minutes ago.

"I went to the nearest convenience store." She said.

"And you didn't even bother to tell me?" Chaewon fired back.

"You were so busy talking to auntie and I can't stop myself for craving on a goddamn ice cream."

"So where is the ice cream?" Sakura asked when she noticed Eunchae came back empty-handed.

Eunchae squealed in annoyance and stomped her feet which made the three girls eyed her with confusion. Kazuha leaned forward to Chaewon who still has her arms crossed.

"She is really indeed your cousin." Kazuha whispered to Chaewon which earned her a glare from the girl.

"What's going on with you?" Chaewon asked her cousin.

"Well, like what I said, I went to the convenience store to get my favorite ice cream which is chocolate. There's only one left and I thought to myself that I was lucky. But when I was about to get the ice cream, a fucking stranger grab it first in one swift! I kept on telling her that I was the first one to spot that freaking ice cream but instead of hearing me out, she just stare at me and went straight to the counter. She even ate the ice cream in front of me! I swear if I'm going to see that ice cream stealer again, I'm going to choke her with my own hands." Eunchae said in a raging manner.

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